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I get the feeling that the princess suspects Liam’s blood. I know what she wants me to say something. Her eyes seem to dig into my soul, searching for answers, begging me to open my mouth.

It would be so easy.

If I tell her the truth about Liam, I get to live. The King of Keys is removed from his throne and I’m no longer at risk from him.

But it’s not that easy.

I know Liam hates his father. I know he doesn’t want to see him gain more power. I also know there’s reasons why Liam doesn’t feel safe. I don’t think it’s just about the power or the money or the status. I have a feeling that if I tell his aunt the truth, I save my own life in exchange for Liam’s.

“Well?” Lucinda says.

I narrow my eyes defiantly. “I won’t let him bind our magic. I’m going to win the pass.”

She laughs. “You’ll never win that pass and you know it.”

“I will,” I say. “I’ll earn my freedom and leave this place. You won’t have to worry about him binding his magic. I’ll never allow it.”

“You’re not strong enough to resist him, even if you did manage to get the pass,” she says. “He’ll come for you. Which means you’re a threat.”

“I’ll figure it out,” I say.

“There’s nothing else?” she says. “Nothing that will allow me to remove him now? No other reason he’s unfit to rule?”

“Unless visiting the dreams of students and threatening them counts, then no,” I say. “I can’t think of anything.”

Liam catches my eye and his brow furrows. “Your dreams?”

I break eye contact with him and ignore the comment. Now is not the time. I return my gaze to Lucinda. “Give me a chance to win the pass.”

“I’m afraid I can’t afford to do that,” she says.

“She’s my mate,” Liam says.

I stand up and move next to him so I can look at him better. “What did you say?”

Liam takes my hand in his. That familiar warmth spreads through me from his touch. Only this time, I don’t resist it.

“She’s my mate,” Liam says. “You can’t take her from me, Aunt Lucinda.”

“Well, well,” Lucinda says. “It seems things are far more complicated.”

“If she’s bound to me, she can’t be bound to him,” Liam says.

“If I’m bound to you?” I demand. “I’m notbindingto anyone.”

“A mate bond isn’t enough,” Lucinda says.

“You can’t kill her,” Liam says. “If you do, you’re guilty of treason.”

“As I see it, it’s the two of you who are committing treason. For all I know you’re working with your father to help him take over,” she says.

“You know that’s not true,” Liam says.

“Definitely not true,” I agree.
