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“Careful everyone or Harper will run to the professor and tattle on you,” Em says.

I roll my eyes and take my usual seat between Corbin and Damon. Corbin turns around and I can see the question in his expression. “She and Tasha cornered me a few days ago,” I say.

“Need us to do something?” Damon says from behind me.

“No, thanks,” I say. “I’ve got it.”

“You sure?” Corbin asks.

“Don’t tell me you’re asking your boyfriends to start fighting your battles for you?” Em says.

I glare at her.

“Shit, angel pussy must taste like honey with all the action she’s getting. I’m next,” Holden Jones says. He’s a higher demon who has been far more outspoken since Liam’s been gone. Every time he opens his mouth, I hate him more.

Damon and Corbin both jump out of their chairs. I stand up and put my hands out to block them. “Sit your asses down.”

I can feel the anger radiating from them. Em cackles and Holden blows me a kiss.

“First of all, Holden, you wouldn’t be able to handle me,” I say. “Secondly, like you said, I’m taken.”

Some of my classmates whoop or laugh. Holden grins. I can tell he’s thrilled with the reaction he got from Damon and Corbin.

“Take a seat, gentlemen.” Professor Lee’s voice silences the class.

The two demons sit and I settle back into my chair, fixing my attention on the professor.

“I don’t want to know what the drama is,” Professor Lee says. “Keep it out of my classroom.”

She’s wearing a cardigan over her Van Halen tee and her usual flawless hair is a frizzy mess. Dark circles hang under her eyes. Something has clearly thrown her off but there’s no way I’d ask her about it.

“It’s only the second day of class for the semester and we’ve already lost two members.” She glances to Liam’s desk and then glances at another empty chair.

My heart pounds. What does she mean by that? Liam isn’t gone. He’s in the hospital. Unless they’re lying to me. But why would they do that? Where would he be if he wasn’t here?

“Settle down, Ms. Love,” the professor says.

I realize my eyes must be the size of dinner plates and try to force myself to be calm.

“You’ll replace Ms. Morre and partner with Damon,” she says.

I don’t even know the student she’s talking about. I don’t care what happened to her. All I want to know is why Liam is gone and why she thinks he’s not returning.

“You’re in your pairs for all activities this semester,” she says. “Today you’ll be working on defensive spells or potions. You’ve got three weeks to find something and perfect it. You’ve got enough basics from me, so use your resources.”

I’m only half paying attention to her instructions. I’m too worried about Liam to think about what she’s asking us to do. What does she mean that he’sgone?

Chairs move and students rustle papers and zip bags. I turn around to look at Damon. We’re supposed to be working on something together. I brace for the asshole comment.

“What’s going on with Liam?” he asks.

I’m surprised he’s not gloating so it takes me a second to find my voice. “I don’t know.” It’s painful to admit that.

What Liam and I have is new. It’s strange. I fought it. I’m still sort of fighting it, if I’m being honest. But I know we have a bond I can’t sever. And while he’s been away the last few days, I’ve thought about him a lot. I’ve considered what our options are moving forward. Every time I try to think about not seeing him anymore, I send the idea away. It’s too painful to consider. As much as I hate to admit it, I need him.
