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I stand. “I’m not willing to stoop to that level. I’m just going to have to blow them away at final exams.”

“It won’t matter.” Liam says as he stands up. “But I can fix this. I don’t want you changing who you are for this. It’s exactly what he wants. He wants to break you. If you start taking out innocent people, you’ll be no better than him.”

Liam walks away from the table.

“Liam?” I call after him. “What’s he doing?”

“No idea,” Sadie says.

I look at Corbin and Damon. “Either of you know what he’s talking about?”

“No, but whatever it is, he’s determined,” Corbin says.

I run after Liam. Last time any of us had an idea, we ended up summoning monsters and Liam almost died. I can’t imagine what he’s going to try.

I catch up to him in the hallway. “Liam, wait up.”

“Harper, go back to dinner,” he says without stopping.

“No,” I say. “What are you doing?”

“Don’t worry, this is between me and my father.”

“The same father who left you in the hospital after you almost died?” I ask. “Because he doesn’t give a shit about you.”

Liam stops walking and turns toward me. His face is red and he looks pissed. My heart races. I didn’t mean to say what I said. My words were cruel, but they were true. “Liam, I’m sorry. That wasn’t okay.”

“It’s true,” he says. “He needed me at one time but not anymore. If he gets your magic, the rules won’t apply to him. He’ll be too powerful. He won’t need to worry about me.”

“He’s not going to get me,” I say.

“He’s winning, Harper,” he says. “Don’t you see that?”

“You can’t go to him,” I say. “What if he hurts you or keeps you away from me or worse?”

“What’s worse than seeing your mate claimed by your father?” he says. “I’m pretty sure nothing would be worse than that.”

“I’m telling you, I won’t let that happen,” I say.

“You can’t control that,” he says. “It’s time to hurt the only thing that matters to him.”

“What’s that?” I ask.

“His throne,” he says. He turns and walks down the hall.

I follow him but I don’t try to stop him. We’re back in the main hall and turn toward the headmaster’s office. Liam opens the door and flips on the light switch.

It’s empty and I’m surprised it wasn’t locked. But then again, I’m not sure who would be stupid enough to mess with anything that belongs to the headmaster.

“What are we doing in here?” I hiss.

“You can go, Harper,” he says. “But I have to do this.”

He walks around the desk and sits in the headmaster’s huge, plush chair. I stand inside the doorway, watching him. I still can’t figure out what he’s doing.

He seems focused and sure of himself. I can almost feel his determination. It’s strong enough to keep me where I am when he picks up the phone.

Holding my breath, I watch as he presses buttons. What is he going to tell his father? Mentally, I’m trying to prepare myself for a visit by the king. Should we run? Should we hide? Should I try to fight him?
