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It’s an impulse. I’m not thinking straight. Hell, I’m not sure I am thinking at all. I just act. I’m letting myself be spontaneous for once. I’m doing whatever I feel like doing. Will it bring me trouble? Probably. Do I regret it? No. I’m riding on a bike with my arms around the waist of the man I crave. I crave his scent. His touch. His body and soul.

“Hold on. We’re almost there.” I hear Damien’s muffled voice as he shouts to me. We take a left and enter a parking lot next to the beach.

He stops the engine that thrums in my ears for a few more minutes before it completely fades away, and I can finally hear the soothing sound of the ocean waves.

“Where are we?” I ask as I look around. It’s dark, but the moon lights the small boats moored to the dock.

Damien slides his hands around my waist, pulling me into a hug from behind. The heat of his body warms me up a little. “We’re going on a boat ride,” he whispers, tickling me with his minty breath.

“What?” I turn to face him. “Are you serious?”

“Yeah. Come on.” He smiles before taking my hand, and we run toward one of the yachts.

“It’s crazy!” I can’t help the excitement rushing through my veins. “At least tell me, we’re not breaking into someone’s boat!”

Damien looks at me, raising his eyebrow before he laughs, “Don’t worry, Firefly. I wouldn’t make you break into someone’s property.” He gives me a mischievous smirk before he leans to my ear. His husky voice sends chills all over my body.

“Well, at least not on our first date.” He winks at me provocatively, and my heart skips a beat.How can someone be this gorgeous?

Damien helps me get on the boat before he lifts the anchor. He jumps on deck, and soon we’re on the high seas, watching the land getting smaller and smaller until it eventually disappears into the night.

I look up at the starry night sky and admire its beauty. I love just staring at the stars and getting lost in my thoughts. It’s soothing. I feel like the serenity of the night helps to peace of mind. Whenever I’d have a problem, I would sit on the bench outside of our home and think, with my eyes glued to the moon and stars.

“A penny for your thoughts,” Damien’s deep voice grabs my attention. I look to the side where he’s leaning against the steel railings, lighting a cigarette.

“Do you have to smoke here?” I say dryly, setting my eyes on him.

“Why?” He asks casually, blowing out a cloud of smoke.

“I don’t smoke, and I don’t like it when someone does it around me,” I reply, looking ahead to avoid his gaze. I don’t want him to notice the pain filling my eyes at the memories of my mother and the battle she lost.

Damien throws the cigarette away and takes a few steps toward me. He watches me.He’s always watching me.It’s as if he can see right through me.

“So, you don’t like cigarettes?” His voice rumbles in my ears. “That’s all?”

I sigh. I knew he was observant, but this is crazy.

Holding back the tears, I let out a heavy breath, “It’s about my mom….” I whisper, looking at the ocean and how beautifully it glimmers, reflecting the starlit night.

“Do you want to talk about it?” He asks softly while he grabs my chin with his fingers and gently turns my face to his. I look up to find concern in his eyes. He strokes the lower side of my cheek with his thumb. Even though he doesn’t say it, I can see that he’d take my pain away if he could.

“My mom smoked and got lung cancer,” my voice breaks as I look at him with watery eyes. “You can figure out what happened next. Now it’s just an adverse reaction to that shit.”

“I’m so sorry, Firefly,” Damien whispers, letting out a soft breath.

“I wish she were here, Damien,” I’m fighting my emotions but in vain. It’s just a matter of seconds before I break. Tears start streaming down my face, likely ruining my make-up, but I don’t care. I snuggle my head in Damien’s chest, sobbing. “I wish she were here with me. Everything would be so much easier.”

“I’m so sorry, Ava…,” he holds me tight, rubbing my back comfortingly. “What was she like? Your mom?”

I smile. “Well, she was from Norway.”

“Norway?” He asks, surprised.

“Yeah, she came to the States to study. She was supposed to go back to Norway after graduation, but she met my dad and they fell in love. He lost his mind for her. I don’t blame him, though. She was beautiful. She loved to paint her lips pink. She had sky blue eyes, fair skin, and champagne blonde hair that fell just below her collarbones.”

“You owe your mesmerizing Scandinavian beauty to your mother, I take it?” He jokes, chuckling softly. “Do you speak Norwegian?”

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