Page 45 of Overdosed

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“I think that’s your cue to leave, Mrs. and Mr. Atwood,” he stated, his voice calm yet firm.

He came closer to my bed, covering my hand with his, and in an instant, I felt safe. Shane’s presence made me stronger and braver, not afraid of my father. I looked out of the window, refusing to look my parents in the eyes. My mother cleared her throat before walking out of the room, and my father muttered something under his breath and followed. I didn’t have high expectations when it came to my father but knowing that my mother gave up so easily overwhelmed my soul with desolating despair.

Shane sat beside me, pulling me between his muscular arms for a comforting hug. I took a deep breath, inhaling his addictive scent that kept me sane.

“Move in with me,” he whispered.

I slowly pulled back to look at him, our eyes locked, and I couldn’t hide the astonishment.

“I’m not saying forever, but at least until you’re fully recovered. Or until my father’s charity event.” His voice was so soothing it was like a palliative remedy for my pain, a cure gluing my broken heart back together. “I have to go back to New York, at least for some time, and I don’t want to leave you here. Come with me. Please.”

I was at a loss for words. The idea of flying to New York with Shane was something I wanted the most. But it was all happening so fast, and I was afraid that one day I would drown in the deep sea I was thrown into. Just a couple of days ago, I had a long-term boyfriend and a life I’d known. It wasn’t perfect, but it was familiar. Shane, in contrast, was new territory for me. The question was… did I want to explore that new, uncharted territory?

“Okay.” I nodded, unable to fight the smile curling up my lips.

Shane looked at me, startled, as if he didn’t expect me to agree. A broad grin formed on his face, showing off his gorgeous white teeth. He chuckled softly before embracing me, his arms felt like home. I realized home isn’t a place. Home is where you feel safe, loved, at your best, where you want to be, and where you want to return after a long, bad day. And for me, it wasShane’s arms.

“Boss?” A vaguely familiar male voice reached my ears as a tall man dressed exactly like Shane lurked at the entrance of the room, peeking through the slightly ajar door.

The first thing that caught my eye was his slicked-back dark-blue hair and multiple cartilage ear piercings. I couldn’t see his eyes hidden behind dark sunglasses. It was funny that he wore dark sunglasses inside and in the middle of the night, but there was nothing funny about that man. Shane switched his attention to his friend, employee, or whoever the man was, and the blue-haired man stepped inside the room, closing the door behind him. A dangerous kind of darkness emanated from him in the exact same way as when I first met Shane. I tilted my head to the side, scanning the man with my eyes inch by inch. I had a feeling we’d met before but couldn’t recall where. Until he took off his glasses, revealing his hazel eyes, and the world stopped turning.

“Callan?” Shane asked somewhat impatiently.

“I just wanted to check in, see if you needed anything.” He cleared his throat, avoiding my gaze.

“No. You may leave. I’ll stay here for the night,” Shane stated, searching his pockets.

“Shane, you don’t have to stay here.” I squeezed his hand, smiling at him comfortingly, but he only smiled back, leaving a gentle kiss on my cheek before approaching his friend.

“Here. The keys to my place. You’ll stay with me there until we fly back to New York.”

“Gotcha.” He nodded, fleetingly peeking in my direction. “Get well, Miss Atwood.”

“Thank you, Callan.” I barely managed to say his name out loud, giving him a faint smile before he walked out of the room.

Shane took off his leather jacket and threw it onto the chair before sitting on the bed next to me, resting his back against the wall and sliding his arm around my shoulder.

“I’m right where I want to be,” he said softly, kissing the top of my head.

I sank into his arms, making myself comfortable. I was more grateful that he stayed than I cared to admit.

“Who’s he to you?” I asked a little too quietly.


I nodded.

“He’s my right-hand man.”

“Right-hand man? As in helping you with business?”

Shane took a deep breath before replying, “Yeah. With business. He’s also my friend.”

I inhaled deeply.

Well, that complicates everything
