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Since leaving the coffee shop today, he hadn’t stopped thinking about the redheaded goddess. And Bree wasn’t helping. She’d talked about her nonstop during their visit to see his brother at the fire station and then she’d brought her up several times during dinner with his aunt and cousins.

“Tomorrow is a big day. We’re going to go see our new house.” It was more of a one-bedroom backhouse, but when Glenn saw the listing last week and realized it was right next door to his cousin Amy, he’d snatched it up.

He figured it would be fun for Bree to be able to play with her cousins and since Amy and Matt were both teachers who were going to be on summer break from school in a few weeks, they’d offered to watch Bree while Glenn was at work. His Aunt Rosalie was going to help him out until school got out for the summer.

After he finished the braids, Bree asked to call her mom. Zoe answered the Facetime on the third ring.

“Hey, pumpkin!”

“Mommy, I met a lady today who looks just like Giselle!” Bree exclaimed.

“You did?” Zoe asked.

“I did.” Bree nodded. “She’s so pretty! Isn’t she, Daddy?”

Bree turned the phone toward him. He tried to act as normal as possible. If anyone could read his face, it was Zoe.

He nodded. “Yep.”

The amused grin that spread on his ex’s face told him he hadn’t pulled it off. She’d seen right through his casual response.

Bree turned the phone back toward her and continued regaling Zoe about the wonders that were Vivien Wells.

He’d planned on a simple summer, reconnecting with his first love - boxing, spending time with his family, and enjoying the slow pace of a small mountain town.

He hadn’t planned on meeting Vivien Wells. Somehow, he knew that meeting her had changed everything.
