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“I will let you help on one condition.”

He would agree to pretty much anything she wanted, which scared the hell out of him. He was not an agreeable person.

“Dinner is on me. Pizza. It’s a moving day tradition.”

He wanted to say no, he had a feeling the more time he spent around Vivien the more time he’d want to spend around her. She was intoxicating and he could easily see himself becoming addicted to her charms. But he had a feeling she was also stubborn and if he said no to pizza, she would rescind her decision to let him help her.

“Deal?” she asked when he didn’t respond right away.

“Deal,” he agreed then took the box he was holding inside and noticed that it had the same vibe as the backhouse. It was cozy, clean, and comfortable. It was modern but still warm. It felt like home.

After dropping the first bin, which was labeled kitchen in the kitchen, he went back outside and saw that she wasn’t kidding about how many bins she had. Her Jeep was packed full of them and in the trailer that was hooked up to the Jeep there were three rows of bins stacked three high and probably eight deep.

They made quick work of clearing out the contents in the Jeep and had just started making a dent in the trailer when she stopped beside him and her full lips parted as a yawn claimed her.

She set the bin she’d been carrying down on the front steps and reached her hands above her head as she stretched exposing more of the skin on her flat, taut belly. Then, she lowered her arms and placed them on her hips as she arched her back causing her full, perfect breasts to press against the thin cotton T-shirt she wore.

Glenn held in a male groan of appreciation as all of the blood in his body traveled to his groin area. He was glad he was carrying three bins, because he was so hard he wasn’t sure one or even two would have been able to conceal his reaction. His dick throbbed painfully at the mouthwatering sight. This woman was going to kill him.

“Sorry,” she said as she straightened. “I didn’t really sleep last night and I was up at three to open Brewed. Oh shit, that reminds me.” She pulled out the phone from her pocket. “I have to set my alarms for tomorrow morning.”

“Alarms, plural? How many alarms do you set?”

Her bright blue eyes lifted to his and caused a stirring in his chest that he chose to ignore.

“Ten,” she responded as if the answer was as obvious as him asking her what five plus five was.She flipped her phone around so the screen was facing him and scrolled down. She wasn’t kidding. There were alarms set for 3:00, 3:05, 3:10, 3:15, 3:20, 3:25, 3:30, 3:35, 3:40, 3:45. Those were just the times that had green buttons beside them. There were a lot of other times programmed in that just weren’t set.

“You set ten alarms?”

“I’m not really a morning person.”

“Well, at least you have plenty of access to coffee.”

Her nose scrunched in the most adorable way as her eyes dropped to the ground and she bit down on her full lower lip causing another surge of blood to swell in his lower region. He swallowed over the lust that was choking him as her eyes lifted back up to his.

She took a deep breath. “Can I tell you a secret?”

He knew it was just a saying. He’d known her twenty-four hours. She wasn’t actually going to be revealing something that only he would be privy to. But the thought that she would be sharing something personal with him made him feel things that he had absolutely no business feeling.

Not trusting himself to speak, he nodded.

She leaned towards him and whispered, “I don’t like coffee. I never drink it.”

He started to chuckle but then stopped when he saw that she was serious. He shook his head slightly in confusion. “But…you own a coffee shop.”

“That was for my sister. She wanted to open it, and I wanted to support her dream.” She shrugged as if it was no big deal. “What about you?”

“I love coffee. I would mainline it if I could.”

“No.” She smiled and shook her head causing the ponytail she wore to swing back and forth. When she did the sun caught strands of gold highlights in her bright copper hair. His fingers itched to reach out and touch the silky locks. “How many alarms do you set?”

He dragged his mind back to the conversation. “One.”

She narrowed her eyes and tilted her head to the side. The new angle showcased the curve of her neck. He’d never had any vampire fantasies but seeing the smooth skin below her ear was conjuring up all sorts of ways he wanted to devour her. “You set one alarm?”

He nodded as he cleared his throat and did his best to mentally erase the image of her being pressed up against the wall while he kissed and bit lightly on her neck.

She stared at him blankly for several beats. “What time do you wake up?”
