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“A cougar. That’s what they call women who date younger men.”

Nonna didn’t respond but Viv could see that she liked the definition. They truly were two peas in a pod.

“How is sexy boxer man?”

Viv regretted telling Nonna that Glenn was sexy. She should have kept it very Dragnet just-the-facts-ma’am. But, the fact was Glenn was sexy.

“Glenn is fine. But I told you, he has a daughter.”

“So what?” Nonna’s arms flew in the air as Viv pulled out onto Main Street. “You have stupid rule!”

No, it wasn’t a stupid rule. But she didn’t want to explain that to Nonna.

“Is he good man?” Nonna asked.

“I don’t know him that well, but yeah, I think he is.” He was. She just didn’t want to give Nonna any more ammunition.

“You find good man, you hold him. That’s it. No stupid rule.”

Viv wished it was that simple.

She wanted to ask if Mr. Lopez was a good man, but was scared if she did she would meet the wrong side of the rolled-up newspaper that Nonna always kept in her purse.

Instead of going on the defensive, Viv decided to address the situation like a mature adult. “Nonna, he’s only here for the summer. He lives in Chicago.”

“Even better! That’s what you like.”

Normally, yes. Viv did appreciate things with an expiration date, which was one of the reasons she’d happily agreed to move to Hope Falls with Audrey. It was a tourist town. That meant there was a constant turnover of men.

But since she’d lived here, she’d grown up. She’d also witnessed people falling in love around her left and right. Not just falling in love, it was more than that. Every time she turned around it seemed like someone was finding their soulmate, their lobster, their person.

The freaking Hope Falls Effect. That was why she’d coined the damn phrase. And over the past year, she hadn’t just watched it from afar. Nope. It had been her sisters. And now she didn’t want no strings attached, no commitment, no relationship hookups anymore. She wanted something real.

Maybe she should take Cindy up on her offer to meet the new foreman at her hubby’s construction company...

They pulled into a spot in front of The Beauty Spot, the sole hair and nail salon in Hope Falls. It was located on Main Street and overlooked the river. Viv and Nonna had standing appointments once a month for manicures and pedicures.

When they walked inside, Jenna smiled as she greeted them. “Hello, ladies! Can I get you a mimosa?”

“Yes,” Nonna and Viv responded at the same time.

Jenna was the new owner of the salon and she and Viv were kinda sorta related. She was Ava’s husband Asher’s ex-wife. Viv didn’t know what that made the two women. Blake was Viv’s niece and Jenna’s daughter so it sort of felt like they were family.

Viv liked Jenna well enough. She was smart, funny, and stunning. Blake was like a mini version of her and both women reminded Viv of Scarlett Johansson. So far things had been drama free. Jenna had been married after Asher, so it seemed that she’d truly let him go and was genuinely happy that Ava had come into his and Blake’s life.

But she was keeping an eye on her and if she ever did anything to hurt her sister Viv would cut a bitch.
