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“Damn,it’s good to see you here.” Gabe slapped his hand on Glenn’s shoulder as he joined him out on the back deck of his aunt and uncle’s house.

Sunday dinners were infamous at his aunt and uncle’s house but this was the first one that Glenn had ever actually attended. The first Sunday he’d been in Hope Falls, Lucky had asked him to come to the gym to talk to sponsors.

“It’s good to be here.”

“How are things over at Casa Viv’s?”

It was the same question Gabe asked every time he saw him. It was starting to get old. Really old.

“I live in the back house,” Glenn reminded his brother again.

“So you don’t really see each other that much?”

Glenn wasn’t used to his brother tiptoeing around a topic. Usually, he just came right out and said what he wanted to say.

“We say hi when we see each other.”

“How often is that?”

Not as often as Glenn would like, which was why he kept his distance. That woman tempted him like no other. He felt drawn to her in a way that he’d never experienced before.

“I mean, she is your type.” Gabe shrugged as he grinned.

“Who’s his type?” Jake asked as he and Eric walked up, each with a beer in their hands.

“Viv,” his brother filled them in.

Damn, when had his brother become a gossiping girl? Maybe Hope Falls had rubbed off on him.

“I think she might be every man’s type,” Jake responded as he took a drink of his beer.

“Are we talking about Viv?” Tessa asked, wrapping her arms around her husband’s waist, not seeming at all bothered by her husband’s comment about another woman.

Jake nodded.

That was the sort of relationship that Glenn wanted. A secure one. One where there was total and complete trust. Where his partner could walk up in the middle of a conversation, hear him remark about a woman and not be bothered.

And he hoped he would have that. One day. When Bree went to college.

He only had to wait thirteen more years.

“She’s every man and woman’s type,” Tessa agreed. “Her body does not stop. It seriously defies gravity.”

“Defies gravity? Oooh are we talking about Viv?” Lily, Eric’s wife asked as she and Gabe’s wife Adriana joined what had turned into a middle school gossip circle.

“How is living with her going?” Adriana smiled widely.

“I’m renting the house in back of hers. She’s my landlord.”

“Ooh, landlord and tenant, that’s one we haven’t done.” Jake wagged his eyebrows at Tessa, who giggled as her husband pulled her into his arms.

From what Glenn could remember, Jake and Tessa had been childhood sweethearts. They broke up right after high school and then didn’t reunite until they were thirty. Glenn wasn’t sure what had happened between the two of them, but he did know that when Tessa left Hope Falls Jake was crushed. His cousin went wild, and not in a good way.

Right after the breakup, Eric brought Jake to Vegas to watch one of Glenn’s fights and the kid was a mess. Jake spent the entire weekend crying in the hotel room and getting wasted. Eric said he puked the entire eight-hour drive back to Hope Falls.

“There’s nothing going on with me and Vivien,” Glenn explained.
