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After Viv gotout of the shower, she thought about drying her hair but decided that it would be too much work. She didn’t have anyone to impress, so there was that.

The funk that she’d been in was still hanging around like a bad fart but she was doing her best to spray aerosol, open windows, and light matches.

She’d started a gratitude journal and downloaded an app for guided meditation that she’d been doing daily. Well, it had only been three days, but she’d done it all three days.

She bought a motivational water bottle that had little lines on it with encouraging sayings that she’d been finishing every day.

And she’d finally taken advantage of all the nature around her and had gone on two hikes. Apparently being outdoors and getting Vitamin D from the sun was good for you. Who knew?

The dark cloud was still in the background, but she was starting to see some rays of light shining through it. And Audrey was coming back tomorrow. She missed her sister. She felt like she’d been gone for years, not two weeks. Well, technically it had been two weeks and five days, which was closer to three weeks. Josh had convinced Audrey to extend their trip and Viv could not be happier for them.

They both deserved all the good things in this world.

It was strange that she felt like so much had changed since her sister was gone when, in reality, nothing really had. Well, except the fact that she’d been given a house, but apparently Viv was the last to know about that one. Nonna had spoken to both Josh and Audrey about her plans well before Viv knew anything about it.

And this morning she’d found out that she’d landed the Hometown Heroes Ball job. Which was a huge get for Broken Nail Events.

Oh, and then there was the forbidden fruit that had moved into the ADU in the back. Oddly enough, that development seemed more important than inheriting the house or landing the Hometown Heroes account. But Viv was not going to be sharing that fact with her sister.

No, sirree Bob. That was information she’d be keeping close to the vest. She considered it as top secret as her search for the semen supplier aka Mason Wells.

The one you told Glenn about, hmm? her inner isn’t-that-special Church Lady voice piped up, but she ignored it.

It wasn’t her fault that she innately trusted the man. He was trustworthy. And capable. And manly. And sexy.

No.Viv tried to push all thoughts of Glenn Maguire out of her head as she towel-dried her hair, threw on sweats, a baggy T-shirt and went to the kitchen. She wasn’t sure if she wanted ice cream or alcohol. When she saw that she still had the unopened bottle of rosé that Grace had gifted her as a housewarming present, her decision was made much easier.

After using her trusty wine opener key ring she’d gotten as a souvenir from the Magic Mike show she’d taken Nonna to, she poured herself a generous amount in the glass and decided to head out to the back deck. She used to sit out on the deck with Nonna after they’d watch whatever trash reality show they were currently bingeing. It had always been her favorite part of Nonna’s house.

She realized that since she moved in, she hadn’t been out on the back deck once. Viv wasn’t sure if that was because it just didn’t feel right without her partner in crime beside her, or if she’d been trying to avoid her backyard neighbor.

Just the thought of him caused her cheeks to heat, her mind to flash images of his naked chest, and her stomach to feel like it was a bowl of Jell-O sitting on a washing machine.

Glenn should come with a warning label. Too much exposure can cause hot flashes, hallucinations, and stomach wigglies. No, stomach wigglies were not a real thing, but every single time she saw Glenn her stomach wiggled so she’d coined the phrase.

But tonight was a Glenn-free backyard night, so she was safe.

It was Sunday, which meant that he would be at Sunday dinner at his aunt and uncle’s which meant he would be late. Viv had been invited to a few Maguire Family Sunday dinners over the years and she never got out of there before 10 p.m. And she wasn’t even family. She was certain after dinner, on a beautiful summer night like this one, the family would all congregate in the backyard while the kiddos played and the adults enjoyed a few after-dinner adult beverages.

A little tickle of envy niggled at Viv’s chest. She’d always wanted to be a part of a big family like the Maguires.

Yes, she had three sisters, but it had just been them and their mom growing up. And then it was just them. But now her family was expanding. She had one brother-in-law already and two on deck. Not only that, she had a badass niece.

She did sort of wish that she saw her sisters more, though. It surprised her how little they did see each other now that they all lived in Hope Falls. But they were all really busy and Viv assumed that the more their families grew, the busier they would all get. She wondered if maybe her and her sisters should start a tradition of their own to stay connected.

She stepped out on the deck and pulled out her phone. She scrolled to the group chat and texted.

Viv: Hey chickadees! We should plan a weekly get together. We can do Taco Tuesdays, Friday Fajitas, Monday Margaritas or any other clever alliteration you can come up with. Just one time, every week, that we all get together.

It didn’t surprise her at all that before she even put her phone down her sister Grace responded. She always had her phone on her.

Grace: I’m in. Just tell me the time and place and I’ll add it to my calendar. I have no opinion on the alliteration.

Before she finished reading the text she got a notification that Ava had ‘loved’ her message. Then she saw little bubbles pop up to show that she was typing.

Ava: Yes! I love that idea. How about Saturday Sangrias? P.S. I don’t actually care if we meet on Saturdays or have sangrias, that was just the only clever alliteration I could come up with.
