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Was this some sort of joke? He’d thought that speaking to her in a bikini had been impossible. How in the fuck was he supposed to carry on a conversation with her in a white terrycloth towel that barely came to her mid-thigh and was only covering her breasts with a tight tuck of material that caused her cleavage to spill over it?Her long red hair was wet making the color a deep auburn that complemented her fair complexion. Her skin was flushed and damp and he wanted to lick every drop of water sliding down her exposed flesh.

“Sorry, I was in the shower and got an alert on my phone that there was someone at the door.” She reached up and adjusted her towel in the center of her chest and Glenn swallowed a deep groan of male appreciation.

He needed to tell her what he needed to and get the fuck off this porch before he did something stupid.

“I, um…I found your dad.”

Holy shit.He was fucking this up so bad. Why had he opened with that? It was a lie, for one thing. And two, that was not the way you told someone who had been looking for a long-lost father that you may have found them.

“What?” Her eyes widened. “You…what?”

“Sorry.” His brain was not functioning because all of the blood in his body had traveled south. Thankfully he was wearing denim today and not sweats so his reaction to her wouldn’t be quite so obvious. “I, um, I have a lead on a man that could be your father.”

There, that wasn’t so hard. Why couldn’t he have just said that from the start?

“A lead…what do you mean a lead?”

“I contacted a friend who’s a private detective and asked him to look into it. He called this morning with an address.”

“An address? Where?”

“Up the coast in Oregon.”

“Oregon?” Her face lit up with what looked like both excitement and maybe a little nervousness. “Okay, great. Can you text it to me?”

“What are you going to do?”

Her brow furrowed as if that was the stupidest question she’d ever heard, and he’d heard one kid at story time ask her if Batman’s parents are dead, how was he born?

“I’m going to go to Oregon. This is actually great timing. Audrey just came back so I have a few days off. So just text me—”

“No.” The word came out of his mouth before getting clearance from his brain.

“No?!” she repeated.

“I’ll drive.” He wasn’t sure what he thought was going to happen when he told Vivien that he had an address of a man who could potentially be her dad, but a road trip sure as hell hadn’t been it. But there was no way he was going to send her off to meet a strange man on information that he’d found.

“You’ll drive where?”

He guessed it was her turn to ask a dumb question. “To Oregon. I have a couple days off, too. Bree’s with her mom and Cruz is back East doing press.”

“And you want to drive me to Oregon to go meet a man that might be my father?” she clarified.



“Okay.” She shrugged as if it was his funeral. And it might be. Spending two days in a confined space with Vivien might actually kill him.
