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As they laid beside each other, their bodies weren’t touching but she could feel heat radiating off of Glenn’s body so she figured he hadn’t stayed on top of the sheets out of fear for her advances. Both of their breaths were coming in short pants but neither of them were speaking.

She wasn’t one to sit in silence, or in this case lay, in silence. She didn’t do awkward well. It was clear that they were both wide awake and unless she was crazy, the sexual tension was so thick they were both choking on it.

“Soooo...” She popped her lips. “This is fun—”

She barely got the word fun out when she felt the bed dip and Glenn was hovering above her. She gasped as she stared up into his eyes. His body pinned her down as he rested on his forearms.

Her eyes widened in shock and arousal. For so long she’d waited for Glenn to make a move, now that it was happening, it had stolen her capacity to think, speak, swallow, or breath.

“You drive me crazy,” he growled.

“I’ve been told I have that effect on people.” Her response was breathier than Marilyn singing Happy Birthday, Mr. President.

His fingers grazed her cheek as his arms framed her face. She licked her lips nervously and when she did his jaw clenched. She hadn’t meant for the motion to cause his nostrils to flare, but she was happy that they did.

“No matter what I do I can’t stay away from you.”

He looked pained by his admission, but she couldn’t help but want to throw a party.

“Like a moth to a flame,” she teased, trying to gain some sort of traction in the control department.

She wasn’t used to feeling so…vulnerable. Normally she had the upper hand when it came to everything from flirting to fucking. But with Glenn it was different. She felt…shy almost. It was definitely out of her comfort zone.

“No.” He grinned revealing two deep dimples on his cheeks that sent her arousal into off-the-charts territory. “You are more like an anglerfish.”

It took her a second for her lust-ridden mind to catch up with what he’d said. Then she realized what he was referring to. He’d said it as if that wasn’t a good thing. But those fish were badass, and she took that as a compliment.

“You think I’m dangerous?” A slow smile spread on her face. “That’s a first.”

“Baby, I guarantee I’m not the first man to think you are dangerous.”

She wasn't normally a fan of endearments such as baby, sweetie, or honey, but that word coming out of Glenn's mouth had her inner walls clenching with need.She could feel his heart beating against her breasts and the sensation caused explosions of tingles to erupt between her legs.

“You don’t seem like you scare easily,” she breathed.

“I don’t.” His thumb grazed along her jaw. She felt the tender touch spread through her entire body. “But you scare the shit out of me.”

She opened her mouth, but before she was able to get out her witty retort, his lips covered hers in a soul-claiming kiss. His tongue slid against hers, massaging it as his lips moved with the perfect combination of pressure. He kissed her with purpose, like a man on a mission.

He was right. This wasn’t just a kiss. When he kissed someone, he meant it.

All of the thoughts in her head evaporated as their tongues met in a sensual dance. She lost herself in the seductive rhythm of the kiss. Need unlike anything she’d ever felt before surged through her. Her legs circled his waist and when she hooked her feet behind his back, she felt his erection straining against her core. The pressure caused tiny bursts of bliss to explode low in her belly.

“Fuck,” she breathed into their kiss as his body rocked against her.

No man had ever brought her this close to coming with a simple kiss and a little dry humping. She’d heard of men having a magic tongue, or a magic cock but she assumed women who claimed that they’d been with someone who had one of those were speaking in hyperbole.

But Glenn truly had both. That was the only explanation for her body’s response to him.

The kiss continued and the tension in her belly increased. He kissed her with an urgency and also like he had all the time in the world. He made her feel more wanted than she ever had before. Emotions normally weren’t a factor when she hooked up with men.

Feeling all the things she was feeling now, had her starting to question whether or not this should continue. What if he ruined her for other men? What if she was never the same?

Oh fuck it, if anyone was worth getting ruined for, it was Glenn “The Gladiator” Maguire.

When his mouth moved to her neck she caught her breath and her hands began to roam his broad shoulders. It was one thing to admire his physique from afar, which she had done, but it was another to get up close and personal with it.

As amazing as all of this felt, she needed more. She wanted to feel his skin against her skin. Her hands fisted in his shirt and she yanked it up. It wasn’t her smoothest move but it did the trick. He balanced on one arm as he reached behind his back and pulled his shirt up and off with the other.
