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Vivien had been prettyquiet on the drive back. He couldn’t blame her. She had a lot to take in.

Her father was…interesting, to say the least.

Glenn had always done his best not to judge people. It was something his father had taught him. He remembered one time being in the grocery store, he’d probably been around eight, and a woman was extremely rude to his dad. His dad treated her with kindness and when they got to the car, Glenn asked why his dad had been so nice to her.

He told him, “I don’t know what that woman is dealing with. She could have just lost a loved one, or gotten fired, or found out that she is sick. Don’t ever judge another person because you have no idea what it takes to be them.”

That single conversation had stuck with Glenn and for the most part he’d stuck to that. But, he had to admit, before meeting Mason Wells, he’d judged the man. He just couldn’t understand how a father could not just walk away from his family but stay gone for their entire lives.

Now he understood. It’s not like anything excused his actions, but it did make sense. Glenn had looked in the man’s eyes and seen the pain that he lived with every day for those actions. Glenn knew what real heartbreak was, and that man was living with it.

He glanced over at Vivien, she was looking out the window and even though she was sitting next to him she seemed like she was a million miles away. He wanted to ask her how she was doing, but he figured that would be a stupid question.

She needed time to process.

He couldn’t help but wonder if after the dust settled, she’d let her father into her life. She’d given him her phone number and taken his. Glenn guessed that was the first step.

As he passed the sign that said Hope Falls was ten miles away, disappointment settled in his bones. He didn’t want this excursion to end. Spending the past two days with Viv had been better than he’d ever imagined. Not just the sex, although that had been amazing. But it was more than that.

He just liked being near her. He loved listening to her talk, sing off key, and seeing her smile. He loved the smell of her hair, the feel of her soft skin, and the way she always said what was on her mind.

And that was all before he’d actually had sex with her.

“So what’s going to happen now?” she asked.

The question was so out of the blue that he did a double take over to her.

She was looking at him expectantly. He had a pretty good idea that she was talking about them, but he wanted to make sure. “With what?”

“With us?”

Glenn was quiet. Last night had been amazing. This morning had been amazing. More than amazing. There weren’t actually words for what being with her had been. But that’s all it could be. He was leaving at the end of the summer, and even if he wasn’t, she’d told him herself that she had commitment issues and fucked up relationships with men. And Bree already loved her. What would it do to his little girl if he and Viv did try to be together and it didn’t work?

And what would it do to him?

“What do you want to happen?” he asked, turning the question back around to her.

Now it was her turn to be quiet. He waited and found his heart racing in anticipation for what her answer was going to be.

Finally, she took a deep breath and said, “Last night and this morning were both mascara good.”

He had no clue what she was talking about. He assumed that she was talking about sex, but what did makeup have to do with that? “I’m sorry?”

“Better than Sex is a mascara brand, so really good sex is mascara good.”

He felt himself grinning at her description. Another thing he loved about Vivien was that he never knew what was going to come out of her mouth. Most of the time it took him by surprise. Very little in life surprised him anymore after losing his parents, almost losing his brother, and then becoming a single father. Maybe he was jaded. Maybe he’d just stopped caring about anything other than his daughter.

But whatever the reason, Vivien had snapped him out of his apathy, and it was refreshing as hell.

“At least it was for me.” She shifted in her chair beside him.

He sensed that she was unsure how he felt about their encounter.

It never even occurred to him that she might have any doubt of how he’d felt about being with her. Especially considering the second she’d opened her eyes this morning he’d pounced on her for round two. He was a big believer in actions being louder than words and his actions had shown her just how much he enjoyed her.

But he could tell she was uncertain.
