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“What a bitch!” Viv exclaimed. “Who the hell did she think she was? That’s your daughter. Who you let into her life is none of her fucking business. Especially when it’s Bree’s mom.”

Hearing her defend him, defend his decision made a warmth spread through his chest.

“Yeah, that was pretty much my take on it. But after we broke up, Bree asked about her every day for over a year. She still asks about her sometimes. She gets really attached to people so I made the decision not to date until she was out of the house in college.”

Beside him Vivien was quiet, which was very unlike her and he started getting nervous that he’d said too much. Shared too much. She probably thought that he was an idiot or something.

He glanced over at her and saw that she was staring at him. “What?”

“That is the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard. And I realize that it is very counterintuitive after what you just told me but hearing you say that really makes me want you to pull this car over and fuck me.”

He went from totally soft to hard as a rock in 0.000000035 seconds. They were one street over from the house. He could make it thirty seconds until they got home. Or at least he thought he could.

“Zoe has Bree until tomorrow.” He looked over at Vivien to see her reaction.

Her lips pulled up in a naughty grin. “Have I told you how much I love Zoe?”

One more night of hot sex might not be everything he wanted, but right now, he’d take it. His mind was already playing out all the things he was going to do to Vivien when he got her in the house as they turned onto their street and he saw a familiar car. It was the same rental that Zoe had been driving. Was she here?

He pulled out his phone and saw that it had died. How had he let that happen? He never let his battery die, especially when he didn’t have Bree.

“Is that Zoe’s car?” Vivien asked as they pulled up beside it.

“Yeah, I think so.

When they were getting out of the car, Zoe was walking out of Amy’s house.

“You weren’t supposed to be back until tomorrow,” he said as she walked toward him.

“I know, I’m sorry but I have to fly out to New York tonight on a red eye. When you weren’t picking up your phone, I figured it must have died so I took a chance of driving back. When you weren’t home, I was going to cancel the flight but Amy and Matt were pulling up and they said that they’d keep her until you got home.”

Glenn was still taking that all in when Zoe looked at Vivien and waved. “Hello, again.”

“Hi.” Viv smiled and he saw that she’d already gotten her bags from the back and was walking up her porch. She glanced over at him. “Thanks again. For everything.”

Now with his daughter home, his and Vivien’s plans were on hold—indefinitely. This was just one more reason he’d decided not to date. Because it got messy. He didn’t like messy. But for Vivien, he might just make an exception.
