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She didn’t want to lie and say that nothing happened. But she also didn’t want to say that something had happened. But it had. Boy oh boy something happened.

Every time she closed her eyes, her mind went back to that bed with Glenn. She could still feel Glenn’s hands, his mouth, his tongue on her body. She could feel him moving inside of her. The weight of his body above her. It was unnerving the way he’d managed to become a part of her. He was imbedded in her, like her DNA.

“So are you two…dating? Or together?” she asked hopefully.

“No. We’re just friends.” Unfortunately.

Lily’s face fell in disappointment. Viv was right there with her. She was all sorts of disappointed.

“Oh, I just thought…you know since you guys went away together…that maybe…”

“Yeah…” Viv wasn’t usually at a loss for words, but she had no idea what to say about the situation. “It’s complicated.”

Lily’s face lit up once more. “It is?”

“No, I didn’t mean it like the Facebook status,” she quickly corrected her very wrong assumption. “I mean…his life and my life are complicated.”

Even with her denials, she could see that hope was eternal in Lily’s face.

“It’s just. He’s a really good guy. I mean, really good.”

“I know.”

“And you are amazing and Bree loves you and I just think that you two would—"

The conversation was cut short when the door opened and Mackenzie Sutton and Shayne Fox walked in. They were married to Grace’s fiancé’s brothers Eli and Evan so, Viv guessed after Grace married Easton Viv would sort of be related to them just like she was sort of related to Asher’s ex Jenna.

Her family really was expanding. She even had a dad now. More women filtered in and Viv saw her chance to escape the well-meaning but pointless hard sell that Lily was doing. She didn’t need anyone to give her a PowerPoint presentation on all of Glenn’s good qualities. She knew them. It was in her fucking DNA.

She headed to the kitchen for a snack and when she did she saw that Grace, Ava, and Audrey were already there. They had congregated on the back deck and were alone.

Viv had every intention of waiting for the book club to be over before she told her sisters, but she’d been bursting at the seams for five days to spill the beans.

She opened the sliding door, walked out, closed it, turned around and blurted out, “I found Dad.”

Viv looked to each one of her sisters’ faces to see what their reactions were.

Grace’s expression didn’t change. Not so much as an eye twitch.

Audrey looked confused. There was a deep wrinkle between her brows.

Ava appeared horrified. Her jaw fell open as she gasped.

“You did what?” Ava asked.

“For the past couple of years I’ve been looking for Dad. That’s why I kept leaving and going to random cities. I would get a lead and then follow up on it. Well, last weekend I found him.”

“You found him last weekend and you’re just telling us now?” Grace asked in a calm, controlled tone.

“You were gone.” She motioned to Grace. “And I wanted to tell you all when you were together.”

All three of her sisters just continued to stare at her.

“But you said you’ve been looking for him for years. Why didn’t you tell us you were looking for him before now?” Ava finally asked.

Viv felt herself growing defensive. “No one ever talks about him. We just act as if he doesn’t exist. And maybe to you guys, he doesn’t. But to me, he does. I wanted to find him. I wanted answers.”

“Did you get them?” Audrey asked quietly.

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