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Viv finished washing her hands,turned off the water and when she went to grab the towel, she saw that Glenn was standing in the doorway. His arms were lifted over his head, and he was holding onto the door jamb above him.

His posture was panty-melting hot. It showcased the muscular curves of his inner biceps and the broad expanse of his chest which was visible thanks to the thin cotton of his T-shirt pulling across it.

Viv wasn’t sure why he was standing in the doorway blocking her exit to the bathroom, but she wasn’t mad at it. Being confined in a space by Glenn Maguire was pretty damn sexy.

“Hey,” she breathed as her heart pinged around in her chest like a silver ball in a pinball machine.

“I don’t want you to leave.”

She had no idea if he was talking about the bathroom or the apartment, but she was good either way. “Okay.”

He inhaled through his nose as his jaw clenched and the intensity he was exuding spread through her like butter melting in a frying pan. His heated stare slid through her, coating her with warm goodness and sudden pops of arousal.

His arms dropped and he entered the small space. Viv automatically retreated until her back hit the wall. He stood mere inches away from her. She inhaled the intoxicating manly scent that was uniquely Glenn’s. It was a mixture of fresh crisp soap and masculine musk. Heat radiated off his body and she wanted so badly to reach out and touch him, to feel his lips crushed against hers. But she was scared to move or speak.

She didn’t want to do anything that would burst this foreplay bubble that they were floating in. The sexual tension building between them was palpable. She may not be able to see it, but it was as real as oxygen and she needed it just as much as she needed her next breath.

Never had she experienced this visceral of a reaction from just being near another person. Glenn didn’t even need to touch her to cause every cell in her body to alight with awareness.

She wasn’t sure how much time passed but she was getting lightheaded from the sensations coursing through her. She felt as tipsy as if she’d just downed two shots of tequila.

The only sound in the room was their breaths comingling. She could feel the heat of his exhale fan across her face as his chest rose and fell in increasingly shallow pants.

“I need you,” Glenn finally rasped. “I know I don’t have a right to need you, but I do.”

“I need you, too.” Viv’s admission came in the form of strangled desperation and was barely audible. Her voice was weak with desire.

Glenn reached out and shut the door quietly, clicking the lock into place and Viv couldn’t seem to catch her breath. The excitement and anticipation of what was about to happen was making her forget how to inhale and exhale properly.

He returned to his place in front of her and placed his hands on her hips and his fingertips dug into her, and like a squeaky toy a tiny high-pitched sound escaped her throat. She couldn’t explain how much she loved being touched by this man. She’d missed it so much. Until this moment, she wasn’t even sure she’d really known how much.

Being touched by him must release some sort of chemical in her brain because she was clearly addicted to it. She craved his touch. She was already thinking about the next time he would touch her.

What if tonight was it?

What if this was the last time he touched her?

What if she never felt like this again?

Her mind was spinning with what ifs. She was breathing like she’d just run a mile. Well, she was breathing how she thought she would be if she’d run a mile. She’d never actually done that, but if she had she imagined she’d be this out of breath.

Unaware of the invasive thoughts spinning in her head, Glenn stepped forward and his body pressed up to hers as his lips brushed against her ears and he whispered, “We have to be very quiet.”

That was all it took for all those negative what ifs to vanish. Poof. They were gone. Hearing his voice with her back pressed up against the wall, his hands on her and his body surrounding her she felt…safe. Yes, she was turned on, of course, she was. But she felt protected. She felt taken care of.

None of the what ifs mattered. All that mattered was this man in this moment. She was going to surrender to the pleasure completely.

He began to kiss down her neck and the second his teeth nipped at the sensitive skin beneath her ear her inner walls clenched with the tell-tale signs of an orgasm.

How Glenn could bring her to the brink of coming when she was fully dressed, and he wasn’t even touching her in any fun places yet when most men couldn’t get her there with a road map and audible navigation was beyond her. But she was not about to look an orgasm gift horse in the mouth.

During the night they’d spent together Glenn had given her three orgasms. Since tonight was a stealth mission, she doubted it would be another three-peat, but she was hoping for at least one which was more than she could say for the last few guys she’d slept with.

“How do you want this?” his voice rasped against her ear once again.

“How do you want to take me?”
