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Billy loved being in control. He set the pace. He dominated in all aspects of his life, but especially when it came to sex. So it surprised him that he was so turned on by Maxi taking charge of her pleasure. Her riding his mouth was about to shoot him up and over the edge. He somehow managed to hold on to a thin thread of restraint as she cried out in release. He continued feeding off of her sweet center as her arousal coated his hand completely.

When her hands released their death grip on his hair and her thighs went limp beside him, he looked up to find her head was back, resting against the cabinet and her eyes were closed. Although he didn’t regret the area he’d chosen to start his one kiss with, there was a lot more ground he wanted to cover.

He ran his hands over her hips and with one tug on her towel, the material fell open revealing the most beautifully formed pair of breasts that he’d ever seen. After placing several more soft kisses on her center, he began making his way up her body to his next destination.

His body was on fire with heated arousal, but he didn’t let the urgency of his need rush him. He took his time reverently adoring every inch of her body. First his lips brushed over each of her hips, then across her belly, which fluttered beneath his mouth. His hands molded around the curve of her hips and he spread his fingers at the base of her back, supporting her as he continued his sensual journey.

He licked and kissed his way up her body, languidly worshipping every inch of torso until he finally reached the swell of her breast. With his tongue he traced the crescent shaped curve of first her right then her left mound. As he did her chest rose and fell in short pants of breath.

Hearing Maxi grow more and more breathless with anticipation was like audible foreplay. His entire body was strung so tight with need that if a strong wind blew through the room he would probably explode in his pants. But he didn’t let his state of extreme arousal detour him from his mission. He was going to take his time learning every reaction, every response. He was going to memorize every curve, every dip.

During his thorough exploration the side of his cheek brushed across her hardened nipple and he heard her gasp at the brief contact. So he did it again. The first time had been unintentional, but the second, third and fourth were not. Moving from the right to the left, he reveled in the sensation of caressing her pebbled nubs with his cheeks and chin. The closer her nipples came to his lips, the more his mouth watered.

When he finally covered her breasts with his lips and sucked her hardened tips into his wet mouth, Maxi cried out in pleasure. Her back arched, and her hips lifted off the counter. He used the leverage to scoop her up, her legs and arms wrapped around him as his purposeful strides carried them both to her bedroom. He continued showering attention on her gorgeous mounds until they were through the door. Then he crossed the room and did what he’d been dying to do since…forever. He laid her down on her bed.

He stood back up and as his eyes hungrily traveled down her gloriously naked body all he could think was, if spending one innocent night on her couch had ruined him…this was going to destroy him.


Maxi’s eyes were shut tight as she fisted her hands in the soft fabric of the comforter and waited for Billy to do…something. She knew that she was lying naked, flat on her back on her bed, but had no idea what he was doing. Anyone else in this situation would be able to solve the puzzle by just opening their eyes, but not Maxi.

Since she’d lost her virginity in her freshman year of college until now, she’d never been able to have her eyes open during sexy time. Once things started getting intimate, her lids slammed shut and stayed that way until things were over. It had never bothered Maxi, maybe because it was all she knew.

When her second boyfriend had made a comment about it, pointing out that it was strange, she’d asked a couple of her friends if that was normal. They all said no. A couple even went so far as to say that watching what was going on was the best part.

After a little online research she’d determined that her behavior was a direct result of her past. Her introduction to sex had traumatized her and the mind had a funny way of protecting itself. Closing ones eyes turned out to be a fairly common coping mechanism. Once she’d self-diagnosed her condition, she accepted it as part of herself and moved on.

She’d never cared about it, never wanted to address or work past it…until now. Until Billy.

Sex had always been okay. Pleasant. She didn’t hate it, but she could easily live without it. And as far as she knew all of her partners, a grand total of four, had felt the same way she did. Which would probably explain why she’d never had an orgasm with any of them.

Not one of them had ever set her body on fire from across the room with one look, without even touching her. They’d never had the predatory gleam in their eyes that Billy had as he kneeled in front of her in the kitchen. They’d never taken her to places that she truly believed only existed between the pages of romance novels. And they’d never inspired her to fight past her self-protective instinct of shutting her eyes.

Just the thought of prying her lids open now had her heart pounding so hard in her chest she was sure that Billy would be able to see it, or at the very least hear it. Her fingers fisted tighter gripping the cotton as an anchor as her lids fluttered several times before she was finally able to lift them.

When she did she saw Billy, still wearing his sweats, standing beside the bed staring down at her. His eyes were running up and down the length of her body hungrily. Her reaction to his appraising stare surprised her. If someone would have asked her a week ago, or even an hour ago, what it would be like to lay totally naked in front of anyone, much less Billy Marshall, she would have told them that it would be at the very least embarrassing, at worst humiliating. But she didn’t feel either of those things. Instead, she felt empowered and aroused.

Her gaze traveled across his broad, muscular chest and down the ripple of his six-pack abs to where his sweats rode low on his waist. She let her eyes take their time in unhurried appreciation of the lean lines of his athletic frame. She’d seen his body hundreds of times at the gym, but this was different. This time she wasn’t admiring it secretly from afar. She was unapologetically up close and personal. And she wanted to see more of it.

Since she didn’t trust herself to speak she figured she would show not tell and take matters into her own hands. Literally. Pushing up off her elbows she raised to a seated position. Her hands shook as she reached out. Her fingertips had barely grazed his waistband when his hands covered hers.

“Don’t,” he growled.

At the grittiness of his voice and the primal look in his eyes she stilled, unsure of what to do next.

“Lay back down,” he commanded as if reading her mind.

Okay. She knew what he wanted her to do, but she didn’t know why. Why couldn’t she touch him after he’d just gotten up close and personal with her?

She glanced up at him with question in her eyes.

He grinned, the kind of sexy, bad boy grin that made the entirety of the female population swoon. “If your mouth is anywhere near my cock when it comes out to play, this will be over before it even starts.”

His bold words curled deliciously in her core as tingles spread through her. She’d never had anyone talk to her like that during sex. Or any other time, for that matter. She’d heard guys say things in the locker rooms, and had always assumed that she didn’t like dirty talk. But she could not have been more wrong. She liked it. She liked it a lot.

Immediately she lowered her arms and laid back down on the bed because the last thing she wanted was for this to be over. When she was flat on her back, he took over what she had planned to do. Hooking his thumbs under the elastic band of his sweats, he pushed them down his legs, stepping out of the right leg first and then the left.

When he stood back up, she sucked in a startled breath at what she saw. His rock hard erection was jutting out from his body in 3D. Her sex clenched at the erotic sight. For a fleeting moment she was frustrated at all she’d been missing by keeping her eyes shut. But, that thought and all thoughts disappeared when Billy ripped open a condom that she hadn’t even seen him retrieve and took himself in his hand as he rolled the protection down his shaft before moving over her with the powerful grace of a lion stalking his prey.
