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I licked my lips, and it was then I realized that I was about to lose my virginity.

The hours of talking and sitting next to each other by the fire had been some sort of weird foreplay for us.

One second, we’d been normal, and the next, we were on this weird wavelength that I knew was about to lead where I’d never gone before.

“I guess that could work,” I found myself saying.

He chuckled, touching the tip of my nose with one finger, and said, “Normally people would change their lives in a heartbeat. You really wouldn’t change a thing?”

I thought about that question long and hard.

There really wasn’t anything I’d ‘change’ about my life. I mean, there were things that I wish I could do over, but that wasn’t to say that I wouldn’t have wanted my life to be exactly as it was right now.

“I don’t think I would,” I admitted. “I mean, granted, there are things that I wish I could’ve done better. Like, I want to go back to high school and try harder at my grades. There are decisions that I made, but all of those decisions led me to where I am today.” I leaned farther into the counter before saying, “I wish that I would’ve had sex when I was younger. I wish I wouldn’t have waited so long.”

His eyes flared. “What do you mean by ‘you wish you wouldn’t have waited so long?’”

There was no way in hell I was telling this fine beast of a man that I was a virgin.

Nope. No. Nuh-uh.

I would tell him a little bit, though.

As in, I was fuckin’ nuts, but there was just something about the man that made me want to tell him my entire life story.

“I was young when I made a mistake,” I told him, choosing to give him a piece of my soul with the words, without him knowing. “I made a mistake so huge that it changed the entire trajectory of my life. I then continued to make that mistake worse and worse until I made the ultimate mistake with that mistake. That mistake made me almost die. I suffered from bouts of depression, insecurity, and ultimately, I contemplated a few really bad things in the aftermath of that mistake. All of that stemmed from me getting frisky with a boy. I just wish that I’d gone all the way. That I’d actually had a really good excuse, like having sex with a boy, for the repercussions. Instead, I’d only done ‘other’ things. And those things didn’t really seem worth it for the price. If that makes any sense whatsoever.”

His eyes danced. “You mean you got caught neckin’, didn’t actually get the deed in, and had consequences from that choice. And you wish that, for the consequences, you actually got some ass.”

My lips twitched as I said, “In a roundabout way, yes. I wish that I’d gotten some ass.”

He winked at me, his eyes full of mischief. “I can concur, ass is usually worth the consequences.”

We talked so long into the night, that it wasn’t until the first rays of the sun were peeking through the windows that I realized I needed to go.

I had a long day tomorrow. One that would hopefully mean that I had a job to go to later on in the week.

“I better go,” I found myself saying. “It’s way past when I should’ve been to bed.”

There was silence from the other side of the room, and I looked toward the man that’d done nothing but hold stimulating conversation with me through the entire night.

It’d been a very long time since I’d had that kind of a conversation.

If ever.

It was nice.

Too nice.

I made eye contact with him, and all of a sudden, I felt the tension that’d been building between us snap.

“Do you think that…” I trailed off, unsure what to say at this point.

I didn’t want to go any more than he wanted me to.

“Come here.”

I felt his hands land on me seconds before his lips touched mine.

I was so surprised by the move, by the way he made me feel at the contact, that I was a little more exuberant with the kiss than I think either him or I was expecting.

He pulled back with a gasp of breath before saying, “I take that as you’re willing?”


I was willing to give him whatever he wanted to make me feel what I was feeling.

I wanted it all.

I wanted to taste him.

Lick him.

Touch him.

Have him touch me.

I wanted to lie down on the bed that I assumed was on the other side of the door from where I was pressed against the counter, and watch him…

“More than,” I told him. “But I don’t have forever.”

It wasn’t meant as a taunt or anything, but that was exactly the way it came out.
