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Instead, we held each other while I warmed up.

It was only when my feet were no longer tiny little ice cubes that I said, “What did you do all night besides freeze?”

“Read,” she admitted. “I have a Kindle that has like a twelve-week battery life. Luckily, I download all the books on there once a month, even if I don’t necessarily read them very fast.”

“What kind of book did you read tonight?” I asked curiously, my hand moving down slightly so that it was pressed right above her panty line.

This woman fascinated me. I wanted to know everything there was to know about her. I especially loved that she read.

“Umm…” She hesitated. “Something that I would rather not tell you about?”

Her answer had me surprised.

To be honest, I thought for sure she’d say a romcom or fantasy book.

Instead, her non-answer had me starting to consider why she would hesitate to tell me what she was reading, when in fact she hadn’t done that the night of the MC party.

“Dirty stuff?” I teased, half-expecting her to deny it almost the second it was out of my mouth.

She grumbled something under her breath that sounded suspiciously like ‘shit’ and then pressed her face into my neck.

It took her so long to answer that my hand started to wander, rubbing up and down the length of her side, stopping right under the curve of her ass before starting back up again.

She groaned and then said, “Romance. In particular, erotic romance.”

I blinked, surprised by her answer. “What’s the difference between erotic romance and romance? They seem to be about the same thing.”

She snorted in reply to my words. “Erotic has more sex in it. It’s more ‘sex’ than storyline. Romance, there’s a storyline that also happens to include various bouts of sex. There’s a huge difference.”

That definitely had me curious as to what she was reading.

I mean, sure, we’d had the discussion the day we met that she liked to read. And that night, she’d been reading some fantasy book or something like that. Not only romance …

“What was so bad in this romance that you don’t want to talk about it?” I asked curiously.

The more she hedged and took time to answer, the more curious I got, until literally there was nothing in this world more important than this moment in time and figuring out just what had the tips of her ears and cheeks turning pink.

“Ummm.” She squeezed her eyes shut. “If I tell you, you have to promise not to judge me.”

I nearly rolled my eyes.

If there was one person in this world that needed to not judge someone, it was me.

I’d done a lot of bad things in my life, and those bad things added up to a long afterlife in hell.

There would be no visiting heaven when I died. At least, if you followed what was said in the Bible about sins and all that jazz.

“Honey.” I squeezed her upper thigh encouragingly. “If there is one thing in this world that I won’t do, it’s judge. You could tell me you were reading about a man and a donkey having sex, and I probably wouldn’t even blink an eye.”

She burst out laughing. “You wouldn’t judge me for that? Really? Because I would.”

I shrugged. “I might judge. But I would definitely never tell you I judged you. I’d probably just slip away quietly in the night, then forget that I hired you.”

She giggled so hard that the shakiness of her tits bouncing against my chest was making me harder.

I reached the hand of the arm that was curled under her neck up and tangled it in her hair. Pulling her head back, I said, “Tell me.”

It was an order, and we both knew it.

“An erotic romance about…” She took a deep breath before blurting. “It’s called dubious consent. Consent is unknown. Established in uncertainty,” Gracelynn murmured. “This one was a pre-approved thing. They met on a dating app, and she told him about her fantasies. Which, of course, happened to be sex with a strange, dangerous man. One that she barely knew. He covers her mouth with tape so she can’t cry out or tell him no. And then he proceeds to fulfill her fantasy.”

The notion, through her words, was definitely doing things to me down below.

Or maybe it was the thought of doing it to her that had my dick turning hard as rock.

God, I was going to hell twice. There was no doubt about it.

“What happened right before you stopped reading?” I rasped.

She arched her back, which forced her head into my hand, and pressed her crotch against my own.

Then she went and made it impossible for me not to fuck her.

“It all starts out with him walking into her room. They’re both guests in the same B&B. They saw each other at arrival, and then were placed in rooms that connected. It’s well past the witching hour when the man decides he’s had enough lying around and thinking about her. They had this connection, and she wanted him. It was written all over her face. So the man walks into her room, up to her bed, and crawls right in it with her. She’s naked and the only thing covering her is a silk sheet that’s not doing a very good job.” Gracelynn licks her lips. “He forces her onto her stomach, pins both of her legs closed with his muscular thighs, and then holds the back of her head down with one hand. With the other, he unzips and unsnaps his jeans, freeing his length to lay across her backside.” She hesitated. “And when she was still barely awake, he slides right into her pussy.”
