Page 18 of Home Sweet Mess

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“That’s what she said,” she said without inflection.

Andrew shook his head, and Logan burst out laughing. Her attention was back on the game, like what she’d said had been completely second nature. She hadn’t even thought about it.

Logan’s laugh quieted, but a small smile remained on his lips.

Who was this woman?

* * *

Logan was relieved when Andrew stood and said he was ready to head out just after the evening game started. They’d been at Jeni’s house most of the day, and Logan didn’t know how much more of her he could take.

If he could just sit and look at her, that would be one thing. But listening to her alternate between yelling at the television, trash-talking the Chiefs, and arguing with anything that came out of his mouth, well, he wasn’t sure it was worth the view.

“Seriously?” Jeni looked incredulous. “It’s only halfway through the first quarter.”

“I know,” Andrew said.

She must have heard something in his tone that Logan didn’t pick up on because concern flashed across her face. “You okay?”

Andrew wrinkled his nose a little. “I don’t feel that great actually. Maybe I had one beer too many, I’m not sure.”

Jeni stood up and moved to stand in front of her brother, peering into his face, like she’d be able to visually inspect him for illness or injury. “Why don’t you just stay here tonight?”

Andrew shook his head. “I drove Logan here.”

“Don’t worry about me, man,” Logan said. “I’ll get an Uber.”

“No, I’m good. I’m just really tired.”

“You’ve been working too much,” she accused softly.

“So have you,” Andrew returned.

She rolled her eyes. “I’m not so tired I’m ready to go to bed at eight o’clock.”

Andrew shrugged and glanced at Logan. “Okay if we head out?”

Logan rose from the couch. “Sure. But really, it’s fine if you just want to crash here. It’s not a problem for me to get a ride.”

“Yeah, Logan could just go next door,” Jeni put in. “Sleep in my neighbor’s bed tonight.”

Andrew’s eyes went wide, and he grabbed his plate and empty beer bottles before escaping to the kitchen.


Logan considered defending Cassidy, but a comment with innuendo would probably bother Jeni more. “That’s not a bad idea actually. But only if you come too. Cassidy wouldn’t mind.”


“You don’t even know her name?”

Jeni shook her head. “We haven’t officially met. You sure you’d be welcome? I haven’t seen you back there since that day I met you, but there have been others—”

The surprise Logan felt at that must have shown on his face because she stopped short.

“Didn’t know that part, did you?” she asked.

Logan blinked. He hadn’t thought about it, really. He and Cassidy had worked together at the same advertising agency before he’d quit for the Chiefs job, and at the time they hadn’t been able to act on mutual attraction. They lost contact when he left, but he ran into her at a bar one night, and they ended up talking. He was hoping for more than a one-night thing, but she’d made it clear the next morning she wasn’t looking for anything serious. He hadn’t considered her reason was that she liked a variety of men, rather than just one.

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