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Not saying a word, I tried not to think about this morning. Waking up with Lincoln’s head on my chest. Rolling her over and making love to her again. I’d almost forgotten to put on a condom, but luckily, Lincoln had still had her wits about her. I’d never forgotten one before. When I was with Lincoln, though, I seemed to be lost in everything.

Ty bumped my arm. “You’re a million miles away, Brock.”

“I’m not. I’m trying to keep my head clear.”

He looked at me, not believing a damn word I’d said. His eyes looked past the chute to where our family sat. Where Lincoln sat.

“What’s going on? Did something happen between you two?”

“No. I mean, yes. We slept together last night,” I quietly said.

Ty groaned. “Oh hell, Brock. Why?”

I narrowed my eyes at him.

He rolled his. “I know why, but couldn’t you have waited until tonight?”

Dirk was helping Jose, one of the top Brazilian riders, with his bull rope. Dirk had already ridden and got thrown two seconds into the ride. He was pissed but refused to hide out in the locker room.

“I wanted to wait, but things got a little hot and heavy last night.”

“Did you fuck her this morning?”

Turning, I grabbed on to his shirt. “Do not talk about her like that.”

Ty held up his hands and looked around. “Jesus, dude, settle the hell down.”

Quickly letting him go, I put my helmet on, glancing around to make sure there hadn’t been any cameras near us to catch my little temper tantrum.

“Listen, I don’t know what’s going on in your head, but I have a feeling you’re starting to feel guilty for being with Lincoln. Why? I have no damn clue. But believe it or not, you’re allowed to find happiness with someone, Brock. What happened with Kaci sucked big-time, and you’ve punished yourself enough. Lincoln came into your life for a reason, so stop overthinking it.”

I turned to look at my brother, my brows pulled in tight, and I was sure he could see my expression, even with my helmet on.

“Yeah, I can be deep when I need to be. Now, get your head out of your ass and think about Tiny Devil. You picked this bull. Now, you fucking ride it.”

I nodded and watched as Tiny Devil came into the chute. The moment I saw him, I forgot everything else. This was my happy place. The place where nothing could bother me. The place where I had only one mission.

To win.

Once my rotation was up, I climbed onto Tiny Devil. Ty started pulling on the bull rope, and I rubbed my hand on the rosin. The intro to “Runnin’ with the Devil” started as I adjusted my hand and then my position on his back.

“He’s gonna roll to the left and then the right,” Ty said. “Don’t let him get you into the well.”

Hitting my hand to make sure I had a good grip, I adjusted once more and said a prayer.

Then I heard Ty shout, “Cover this bull!” It was our way of saying beat the bull at his own game and ride him the entire eight seconds.

I gave the nod.

The gate flew open, and Tiny Devil did exactly what I’d known he would. Bucked so fucking hard I had to dig in to stay on. I adjusted to every move he threw at me. Toward the end of the ride, he spun as fast as he could. Giving a good buck to show he wanted me off his back.

The buzzer went off, and I reached down and got my hand out. When I jumped, Tiny Devil’s hoof got me in the back. My breath was instantly knocked out, and I landed hard, stealing what little breath I’d had left. Never mind that the bastard had spun so fast, I was dizzy as well.

Hank, one of the bullfighters, moved over me as I got up on all fours, trying to pull in some air. The medical staff was there in an instant, and Stan, one of the doctors, was right by my side.

“Hey, talk to me, Brock.” He saw me trying to catch my breath. “Wind knocked out of you?” he asked.

I somehow managed to nod. He reached up and took my helmet off. It was then I heard my score: 88.5.

My eyes looked up and went straight to where Lincoln was sitting.

She sat next to my mother, a look of concern plastered on her face, but my mother was saying something to her, making Lincoln nod with understanding. When her eyes met mine, she smiled.

She freaking smiled.

It felt like my lungs opened up and air flowed right on in. As if the power of her smile had affected me in a way I’d have never thought possible.

I stood, lifted my hand to the cheering crowd, and made my way out of the arena.
