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“Gladly,” Arvo replied, looking satisfied. I nearly heard a chuckle in his voice, bordering on manic behavior. He sat back down in his throne, gripping the arms with a powerful grip. “There’s one more thing that we need to talk about.”

“What?” I asked, unable to think of anything else that we needed to discuss. The longer I stood there, the more agitated I became. I didn’t want things to have to resort to this!

“Biba,” Arvo told me. “Are you sure your girl is as loyal as you think she is?”

I found myself not immediately replying, my eyes settling on his. Of course, I wanted to believe that Biba was loyal to not only me but to Arvo as well. I couldn’t risk her putting either of us in peril. Somehow, I had to test her, to see if she was as devoted as she claimed to be. Hopefully, she didn’t disappoint me.

Fuck, I needed her to not disappoint me.



I didn’t even make it back to Zephyr’s suite with my chosen red dress before one of the Kings’ freshman toadies intercepted me. He was scrawny and wide-eyed, looking too small in his attire. He extended a folded note out to me that I took and unfolded.

Meet me in the King’s Hall


My stomach twisted as my eyes drifted over the words. I wondered what he wanted from me. Usually, he just met me in his suite, but he wanted me to specifically come to the King’s Hall. I didn’t need to keep him waiting, so I dropped my things off in the suite before heading down there.

The sound of my ankle boots hitting the stone flooring echoed all around me as I stepped into the main room, seeing Zephyr sitting on his throne. I was immediately struck by the weight of his eyes on me, my heart starting to race. I approached him, stopping a few feet away as silence hung between us.

“You wanted to see me?” I asked him.

Zephyr didn’t even nod. He just spoke.

“I know what you’ve been doing with Arvo,” he said, not skipping a beat.

My eyes widened. Meanwhile, Zephyr’s face was completely still and calm. It was like he had talked about the weather instead of knowing that I had been having sex with Arvo without him knowing. Until now.

“Oh… I…” I trailed off, not knowing what to say. It wasn’t like I hadn’t had sex with Arvo before, but Zephyr was there. Was I not supposed to get involved with someone else without him knowing? It wasn’t like we had put down any firm boundaries when it came to having sex with other people.

Zephyr rose from his throne and walked over to a stone pedestal table with a crystal chalice on top of it. He grabbed the chalice before striding over to me, holding it out to me.

“Drink. Any lover of the Kings must drink as an act of supplication and trust,” he told me with an expectant look on his face. He didn’t even look upset.

I wanted him to trust me, and I had given myself over to the Kings long ago. If he wanted me to drink whatever dark liquid was in that chalice to prove that, I would. I took the chalice without hesitation and drank from it, tasting something sweet and bold that I couldn’t identify.

When I finished, Zephyr cracked a grin, chuckling at me.

“Lighten up, Biba. You passed the test,” Zephyr told me.

I lifted an eyebrow at him, confusion spiraling through me.

“Test?” I questioned him, still feeling on edge. Something was up. Actually, something was definitely up because a warm sensation started to spread throughout my body. Goosebumps flared up along my arms, nearly making me shudder.

A pleased grin crossed Zephyr’s face as he gestured to the right.

I looked to the side and immediately felt a throbbing sensation in my chest and between my thighs at the sight of Arvo emerging from a back room. Fully nude. The glow of the torchlight reflected off the smooth planes of his chest and abdomen. Every curve and line of muscle seemed to be crafted with perfection, and the throbbing intensified.

“Go to him,” Zephyr told me as he stepped close to me, caressing the small of my back. When I remained in place with wide, darkening eyes, he leaned closer to my ear. “Now.”

His command nearly made me dizzy. Something was in that drink. It had to be some sort of aphrodisiac because I felt hungry, needy. I found myself walking toward Arvo, who smirked at me in a knowing manner. When I reached him, I trailed my fingers down his chest, tracing his firm pectoral muscles.

“You can touch me as much as you want,” Arvo said, watching my fingers dance over him.

I reached down and wrapped my fingers around his cock, hearing his breath hitch. He was hot and hard in my hand as I slowly stroked him, feeling him pulse in my grip. A low moan drifted from me when his fingers slipped into my hair to tilt my head to the side.
