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“You didn’t kill her.” I laugh.

He chuckles at this, rewarding me with his first laugh since the Incident. “How would I have done that? Rip her throat out with my teeth?”

I bark out a laugh. “That wouldn’t surprise me, honestly.”

I smile all the way to the clinic. Jackson is seriously bantering with me. What. The. Fuck.

Once we get to the clinic, we check in and it only takes a few minutes for us to get back to the doctor’s office and wait for Dr. Peterson.

Jackson sits in his wheelchair, staring off at the wall. I stare at him, loving how his hair has grown out slightly. It’s messy, and he doesn’t let me or Laurie brush it in the mornings, so it just constantly lays in disarray on top of his head. Like his hair doesn’t know which direction to go. It looks good on him though, which makes me angry. If I were to never brush my hair, I wouldn’t be able to leave my house.

He sits in his usual black tee, matched with a pair of joggers and his black Vans. He’s lost weight since the Incident, but looks much better than he did in the hospital. He’s gained a little color back. He’s still one of the best-looking guys I’ve ever seen. His jaw is even more angular now, showing off his harsh cheek bones and angry jaw.

He looks like a savage.

“Jackson?” A knock comes and the door opens, revealing a smiling Dr. Peterson. “Hey, bud. You’re looking good!” Dr. Peterson tries to sound chipper, but my mind focuses on one word.


I glance over at Jackson, biting my lip because I want to crack up laughing so bad, but the twitch in Jackson’s jaw keeps my mouth shut.

“How was physical therapy?” He asks, logging into the computer as he speaks.

Jackson lifts his eyebrows at him, and I decide to jump in. “It was good. A little rough, but I think it went well.”

As if he just realized I was sitting here, he turns his chair towards me. “That’s great. And I’m sorry, I’m Dr. Peterson, and you are?”


“Where’s Easton today? I figured he’d be with you.”

“Work.” I say, which is true. Easton’s been working more and more lately, the strain showing on both his and Rose’s face.

“How has living with him been?” He directs his question towards Jackson, and Jackson gives me a side eye before finally responding.

“I’m living with Cara.”

Dr. Peterson’s eyes widen, “When did this happen? What happened to moving in with Easton?”

“I’m the one who asked for Jackson to stay with me, Dr. Peterson. Jackson and me, we… we have a baby.”

Dr. Peterson’s eyes widen. They bounce between me and Jackson a few times before settling on Jackson. “Well this is news to me. Why didn’t you say anything?”

Jackson lifts his eyebrows, and the doctor lets out a little chuckle.

“Yes, of course. Well, let’s get you checked out and we’ll get you out of here, okay?”

The doctor looks Jackson over, testing his strength and asking him general questions. Much of the same that Laurie does every day and what the physical therapist did earlier.

Then Jackson’s arm twitches.

Dr. Peterson shoots his gaze up to Jackson. “Did you just move your arm?”

Jackson shakes his head.

“Has this happened before?”

“It happened once last week, too.” I say, “What does that mean?”
