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The next morning, Jackson is back to his usual, grumbling self. He’s always this way before a physical therapy appointment. He doesn’t like failing, and every time he leaves the appointment not walking, that’s a failure to him.

“Are you ready?” I ask him from the living room. He’s taking extra-long in the bedroom today. I think he’s hoping I’ll cancel. When I woke up this morning, his hands were all over me. He wanted a repeat of last night. We settled for him curling his fingers inside of me so far, he pulled the orgasm out of me. I screamed his name and gave zero fucks knowing the neighbors probably heard.

“I’m here.” Rose walks in, face flushed with a glow I haven’t seen in a while.

I give her a look, and she gives one back.

“What’s up with you?” I ask.

“Why? What’s up with you?” She asks.

I circle my finger in her face. “You’ve got this… weird glow.”

She presses her hand against her cheek, her skin pinking up even more. “Me? You’re the one that looks like she just had her mind blown.” She lifts her eyebrows.

I open my mouth to dish, but the whirr of Jackson’s chair sounds and I look over my shoulder, watching him move towards me with a blank look on his face.

“Stop with the mood, Jackson. We have to go.” I look over at Rose. “We’ll talk later.”

“Mhmm. We’re definitely talking later.” She walks over to Wesley and picks him up off the floor where he’s having tummy time. The rattle in his hand is filled with drool. Everything lately goes in his mouth. Which means everything is damp and has the scent of milk on it.


“Sounds good. We’ll be back in about an hour or so.” I take the keys from Rose, giving her a grateful look. I’m going to have to figure out this car situation soon. I can’t keep using Easton’s truck when I need to go somewhere. He says he doesn’t mind, but still.

After giving Wesley a kiss on his cheek, we head out. As we’re about to reach Easton’s truck, I hear my name being called over my shoulder. I tense up, the voice bringing back a slew of bad memories.


I can feel dread slither down my spine like a snake and I can’t help the frown that pulls my lips down.

“Mom?” I turn around fully to address her.

Dressed in a short skirt and a purple tank—no bra—she looks like she should be on her way to the corner. But I guess galivanting down her old trailer park is also a likely scenario.

“What’re you doing here?” I ask her. The last time I saw her was when I told her that I was pregnant. Her response was that I’m useless, a whore, and should abort the baby or else my life will be over.

She cocks her head at me. “Is it a crime to want to come say hello to my only daughter?”

“Well, not a crime, but definitely out of the ordinary, since you haven’t come to just say hello in the entire nineteen years I’ve been alive.”

“Do you always have to be so dramatic?” She hikes her cheap knock off purse higher on her shoulder as she scoffs at me.

“It’s not being dramatic when it’s the truth.”

She rolls her eyes. “Whatever, so where you headed off to?” She glances behind me, eyeing Jackson curiously. “Who is this?”

I step aside, revealing Jackson. He gives her a deadpan look, obviously not amused nor in the mood to deal with her bullshit.

“This is Jackson, Mom. You’ve met him before.”

Her eyes widen, shock flitting across her face with a little bit of disgust. “What happened to you? You break both your legs or somethin’?” She laughs like her joke is even remotely funny.

“No.” He says, leaving it at that.

“What’re you doing here, Mom? I know this isn’t just a friendly hello, and we really have to get going.”
