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I’m coming.

I keep repeating that sentence over and over in my head as we speed through Texas.

Easton’s truck is a beast. The fact that this old fucker is still running through all this driving, taking our beating as we fly max speed down the highway, puts me in awe.

We started early morning, driving through the day. Starting somewhere near Shreveport, our destination will be somewhere near Ojinaga, Mexico, only on the Texas side. It’s funny, within this past year, I’ve traveled to more states than I’ve been to in my entire nineteen years.

What have I learned? There’s a lot of fucking mobile homes in the world, that’s for fucking sure.

It’s getting to be the evening now, and we’re apparently getting close to where Cara is. My blood thrums harder the closer we get. I can almost feel her. I can sense her fear and it makes fury spread across my body like a wildfire. The need to get her, to spill every motherfuckers blood that even looked at her is a necessity. I’m not leaving until the world is painted red.

When we pull off the highway and into some rinky-dink town with population zero, Easton’s phone starts to ring.

“Shit.” He looks down at the phone and turns it on speaker, setting it on the seat between us. Glancing down, I see it’s the PI calling.

“Easton, pull over. Somewhere where you won’t be seen.” The PI barks.

Easton looks at me, rolling into an old parking lot of an abandoned bar and parking behind it, pulling in between the building and an old dumpster. “Okay, I’m good. What’s going on?”

“They’re on the move.”

I clench my fist at his words. “Fuck!” I shout.

“Where? What’s the deal?”

“They’ve loaded up. Looks like they are about to head out, presumably heading towards the border. I’m sorry, looks like they’re meeting at Ojinaga sooner than expected.”

“Well, that’s not a good sign. Do you think they caught wind of our arrival?”

I check my pockets, making sure all my weapons are where they should be.

“I don’t see how they could. They don’t seem in a rush. Maybe there is pressure from Mexico, I’m not sure, but you still have to stay vigilant. Keep your eyes open.”

“How many?” I bark.

“Fourteen, from what I could see.” Fourteen? That’s not awful. We’ve got twenty-five, and that’s not including The Seven, who are on standby and waiting for our word if we need them.

“But they will have much more at the border, guys. I’m expecting another twenty to thirty men.”

Easton sighs, rubbing the bridge of his nose with his thumb. “Give me the word when they’ve cleared out. I’ll get ahold of Hugo and change course.”

“Sounds good. Oh, and Jackson? I just wanted to let you know that I was able to confirm that Cara was one of the four loaded in the van a while ago. She’s alive.”

If I was a weaker man, I’d outright bawl right now. But I do press my fists to my eyes and let out a heavy breath.

She’s alive.

“Thanks, man. Talk soon.” Easton hangs up.

Looking over at him, I say, “We gotta get her, man. I can’t let her cross that border.”

He shakes his head, clenching and unclenching the steering wheel. “We’ll get her. We’ll fucking get her.”

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