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Chapter Five

Bennett stayed by Zoey’s side as she said goodbye to her last guest. When she closed the door, he saw her shoulders slump and heard her let out a heavy sigh. He knew tonight was difficult for her. Lying was part of his job. It got him into places that otherwise he would’ve been denied. He didn’t even feel any guilt about it.

Zoey pulled it off like a professional. He was impressed. Yet, looking at her now, her body language revealed the truth. Glad to know she’s not comfortable living a lie. Makes me respect her more.

It wasn’t that he didn’t respect her before. He just couldn’t help but recall the reports on her. That type of woman never appealed to him. Why he was so damn attracted to her regardless of her past was a mystery to him. And it’s going to stay that way. Being here with Zoey is only a job. There is no way I’m going to let it go on any longer than needed. Even if it means pissing off the Hendersons once it’s over. He thought back to Alex’s words and cringed. “Hurt her, and you won’t need to worry about Dean coming after you. I’ll crush you myself.” She knows it isn’t real, so at least I won’t hurt her.

“The hard part is over. Now rest.”

Her voice was so soft he barely could hear her. “Never over.”

What does that mean? What’s never over? He knew it wasn’t the party causing her to feel that way. Whatever it was shouldn’t trouble him. She’d hired him only for one purpose. There was no need for her to know exactly why he wanted the DNA. If at any point she questioned him, he would have to come up with some lie. He knew she’d flip if she thought he was questioning who her father was as well.

He had the DNA samples bagged and ready for delivery. All he needed to do was walk out the door and give them to his courier to take to Jon Vinchi. Stay focused. Find her mother.

“Zoey. I need to leave.”

She opened the door for him before she turned around. That’s when he saw her eyes glistening on the verge of tears. He was immune to them. Bennett would never forget the price his best friend paid because he couldn’t resist a woman’s tears.

They’d been on patrol and had come upon a woman kneeling on the ground crying. He’d told Sam to leave her alone, to keep walking. They had their orders; they weren’t allowed to make contact with any of the locals. Sam had hesitated for a moment, but all of a sudden he’d turned around and headed right back to the woman. No matter what Bennett said, Sam wouldn’t stop. His last words had been, “I can’t just leave her there, crying alone.”

When Sam had reached out to help the woman up, she’d looked up at him, smiled, and set off the explosives. Sam hadn’t had a chance. The explosives killed them both instantly, and damn near took him as well. Bennett had never forgiven himself for not trying harder to stop him. And to this day, the only effect tears had on him was to make him flashback, remembering Sam.

Now if a woman started to cry on him, it was the last time she ever heard from him. Tears didn’t represent sadness; all he saw were lies and manipulation. He was a man no one could control. Sometimes I can’t control myself.

However, in some strange way, he knew Zoey’s tears weren’t manipulative or meant for him. They were from something deeper than what she’d shared with him. These emotional wounds weren’t just about finding her mother. Bennett didn’t understand how or why, but he knew it. Felt it. And he didn’t like it one bit; he wasn’t used to this gut-twisting reaction to anyone or anything.

All he needed to do was walk past her and out the door. There was no obligation for anything more. Do your job. So why was his gut tangled up in a knot as he looked at her? Fuck.

When he stepped forward, he found himself pulling her into his arms instead of walking out the door as he’d wanted. It didn’t matter what his head was telling him. He was somehow powerless to stop himself. “Sweetheart, what’s the matter?”

“You wouldn’t understand.” Zoey choked out the words, her face buried in his chest as she sobbed.

He reached up and tipped her head up to face him. “Try me.”

Zoey’s mascara ran down her tear-streaked cheeks. Bennett took his hand and tried to wipe them away. She sniffed and tried to smile at him. Is kindness so unfamiliar to you that even such a simple gesture makes you happy?

“Why don’t we go and sit and you can tell me what’s got you so upset?” He took her by her hand and led her to sit on the couch. She didn’t try to resist and seemed to welcome him taking the lead.

Zoey sat quietly as though in deep thought. He wanted to push her, but he knew if he did, she’d clam up and what was troubling her would stay bottled up inside. Even now, he wasn’t positive he could get her to open up to him totally. Why would she? I’m no one to her. She has family she could go to. Should talk to.

“Bennett. You don’t need to stay. I know you have someplace you’d rather be.”

“I’m where I want to be,” he said as he continued to hold her hand, his fingers interlocked with her tiny ones.


Her question caught him off guard. Mostly because he didn’t have an answer. Hell, he couldn’t explain it to himself. He only knew it was the truth. Yet, that wasn’t going to suffice. He didn’t do emotions, and the last thing he wanted was to try to figure out his own. “Consider it part of the job.”

Instantly he felt her tense and try to pull away from him. Who could blame her? He was an asshole. She was sitting here in turmoil, and he just told her he didn’t care, that being there was part of the job. Her brothers are right. I shouldn’t be anywhere near her.

“Then I suggest you get back what you’re being paid to do.”

“Zoey. I’m sorry. That was... not what I meant to say.” Unfortunately, it was exactly what he’d meant to say.

“I wouldn’t blame you if you had.”

