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“I don’t understand. Is there something about Bennett you think I should know?” she asked, knowing Logan expected her to. But the odd thing was she actually wanted to hear the answer. Zoey shouldn’t care, but somehow she did.

“I’m not concerned with Bennett. It’s you I’m worried about.”

His voice confirmed what he was saying. Yet, she didn’t understand why he felt that way. She was a grown woman doing what normal people do.

“There’s no need to worry, Logan. Everything is okay.”

He was watching her closely in a way he’d never done before. It was making her nervous. Is he upset that I’m dating?

“Where were you a few days ago?”

She wasn’t prepared for that question. As far as she knew no one knew she’d left town. It was possible they still didn’t, and he was only digging for information.

“Nowhere special. Why?”

“You left the state. For what reason, Zoey?”

What the hell? Think fast. He knows something, but what? She smiled. “Logan, I’m a grown woman who has the right to get away with my boyfriend for a couple days if I want to. I didn’t realize I needed to check in with you first.” Bennett would be so proud of me. I’m getting darn good at this. Not sure being a good liar is a good thing, but it’s getting much easier.

“Is that why you were in New York?”

Shit! Shit! Shit! He knows. Everything I’ve done is for nothing. Before she could answer Bennett came back into the room.

“Sorry. Forgot my coffee. I couldn’t help but hear you ask about New York. Zoey and I are planning a little international getaway, and we were there to get our shots.”

“You expect me to believe you went to New York for that when I could’ve given them to you both?” Logan raised a brow, his face filled with doubt.

Bennett never acknowledged it. “There are some things between Zoey and me that aren’t anyone’s business. It comes down to one thing, do you trust and respect her or not?”

Zoey almost felt bad for Logan as Bennett had his back up against a wall. No matter what Logan said, Bennett appeared to come out on top. It was a turn-on watching Bennett in action fighting for her. But she had to remember why he was doing it. She was paying him a hefty amount of money, after all. This was just fulfilling his end of the bargain. Hired the best and expect nothing less.

“You’re really pushing your luck, Bennett. If my sister weren’t here, this conversation would be ending much differently.” Logan wasn’t a fighter, but she noticed his hands clenched into fists as he spoke. Any of the other siblings never would’ve been able to control themselves, and it would’ve gotten ugly quick.

“And if I didn’t care so much about her, I’d be happy to oblige you.”

Both men were staring at each other with warning glares. She needed to cool things down between them. “In case either of you has forgotten, I’m a grown-ass woman who is capable of speaking for herself. Logan, I really appreciate your concern, but there’s no reason to worry. Bennett, it’s very sweet of you to try to defend me, but there is no need. Once everyone realizes that this is my life, the better and easier it will be for all of us.”

Her words were only meant to deter the men, but she found they rang true to what was in her heart. Although she loved them for caring so much, she had enough of anyone controlling her. Never again.

They both looked at her as though stunned, but then Bennett gave her a wink.

“Sorry, Zoey. Guess I’m not used to you being so...”


Logan nodded. “You of all of us deserve to be happy. And I was only trying to let you know that I’m here if you ever need me.”

Zoey walked up to her brother and gave him a hug. “I know, Logan. I love you.” Hugging wasn’t something they ever did, and she had no idea what had possessed her to hug him then. But she was happy she did.

Logan squeezed her so tight it almost hurt. When he said, “I love you too, Zoey,” she didn’t care if he’d broken her ribs. It was the first time she and Logan ever said those words to each other.

The doorbell rang again. This better be the cleaners, because I really can’t take any more unexpected guests today. She let her brother go and was about to answer the door when Bennett walked out of the room to answer it. He’s the best make-believe boyfriend a girl could want.

When he returned, she was thankful it was with people she didn’t know, dressed in uniforms from Vincent’s restaurant. Finally!

“Let me show you everything that needs to go.” She made her way quickly from one room to the next. Although it all looked amazing, she didn’t need reminders of Valentine’s Day. It was a day she’d avoided in the past, and this was just another one she wanted to forget. Bennett might’ve appeared to be her valentine, but they both knew it wasn’t true. If only my feelings can be packed away and dismissed as easily as the decorations.

When they’d gone, she returned to the living room and found Bennett sitting alone. “Where’s Logan?”
