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These people weren’t hatched or dropped off by aliens. They have a mother. So why not list her? Were they closed adoptions? They look enough alike to be siblings but that doesn’t mean they are.

After two hours of research turned up nothing tangible, he closed Google and slipped his phone back in his breast pocket. Bennett hadn’t been sure he wanted to take on this assignment. Honestly, it sounded like something that’d bore the shit out of him. He should’ve remembered he was dealing with the Hendersons. They weren’t the average family by any means. What looked like run-of-the-mill details always had more twists than a roller coaster.

Zoey’s situation wouldn’t be any different. Hell, I know better. Usually, the one you don’t expect is the one who’ll throw you for a loop. He thought of how her deep brown eyes were practically pleading for his help. When she’d grabbed his arm, he was already lost. He’d been attracted to her since their first meeting two years ago when Brice hired him to ensure the safety of his family and Lena. He’d thought her easy on the eyes. But the more they spoke, he’d realized she was so much more than she appeared to be. He wouldn’t call her fearless, but she liked to challenge authority. He found that sexy, and it made things a bit complicated. But rules were rules, and he knew better than to get emotionally involved with a client.

I know better than getting involved with someone I find... interesting. I need to tell her I can’t take this job. I know people to recommend. Hell, even my buddy, Beckett Davis, would be better for this than I am. The Hendersons know him as well. She should’ve called him. It would have been better for everyone if she had.

He was about to give Beckett a call when he saw a familiar number calling in. Well, that’s fast.

“Stone here.”

“Bennett, it’s Dean Henderson. I’ve got another job for you. I need you to look into something for me.”

Gee. Should I even guess? Your mother? “Did you piss someone off again so soon?”

Dean laughed. “I’m about to, and she can be a tyrant when angry.”


“Yes. My sister, Zoey, just informed the family she’s having a Valentine party and we must all attend.”

“Lucky you.”

“Not lucky for the bastard she’s bringing with her. I want to know everything you can find on this man. Leave no stone unturned. Got it?” Dean’s voice lacked all hint of humor.

Bennett restrained his laughter at the situation. It had only been a few hours, and her brothers were already scouring for information. She was right, they were overbearing. Whoever was going to take this assignment was not just finding her mother; they needed to act as a buffer for Zoey. Whatever she was going through, she needed some space to deal with it... her way.

Damn it. No one is going to be able to handle those guys without raising suspicion. They won’t question me. They won’t like it, but they won’t question it.

“She’s a grown woman, Dean. Just ask her.”

“I don’t want a name. I want information. Everything.”

“When is this party?”

“Three days. I’ve seen you pull off bigger requests in less time.”

Oh, that I can. But you’re not going to like the answer. I think I’ll wait to tell you.

“Your usual fee.”

“Should I ask why?”

“Nope. But you’ll have the information by the party. Guaranteed.”

Bennett disconnected the call and looked toward the hotel. This job might be fun after all. Not only getting to bust on Dean’s ass, but being Zoey’s lover will be icing on the cake. Even if it’s all for show.
