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“This isn’t up for discussion. We both need this because we have a stressful couple of days ahead of us.”

Shanda said, “I’m only going to an auction.”

“With someone you’re obviously attracted to and with his friends as well. If you tell me you’re not nervous at all, I’m going to call you a liar.”

Shanda laughed. “Oh, I’m so nervous that I shaved my legs twice this morning.”

“With this dress, Kenneth might not have even noticed your legs. But good thinking, just in case he decides to take it off you later.” DeeDee winked.

Oh God. This is going to be a long night.The only problem was, Shanda had been thinking the same thing and already stopped at the pharmacy for condoms. He did say first rule of business was to be ready for anything.

Kenneth couldn’t takehis eyes off Shanda. She looked amazing. Her dress was a deep purple that sparkled; it was almost hypnotizing him. Normally, he liked his dates to wear those little black dresses, but damn, he was glad Shanda hadn’t. And the way the top of the dress seemed to conform to her breasts was driving him wild. It was as though this dress had been tailored just for her. And just for my pleasure, too.

“Is everything okay?” Shanda asked.

“Yes, why?” he asked, unable to turn away, his eyes still fixed on her.

“You’re just…staring at me. Is this dress okay for the auction?”

“I’m not sure.”

Her eyes widened and she said, “Should I change? I mean, I’ve never been before so I wasn’t sure if this was appropriate. I should’ve checked with Krissy.”

She blurted it out so fast and he barely had a chance to grab hold of her hand before she dashed back upstairs. “Shanda, that dress is…amazing. The only problem with it is you might outshine whatever they are trying to auction off.”

“Are you sure? Because I will take it off, if you think I should,” she said softly.

“I’d be more than happy to help you get out of the dress, but not into another,” he said with a wink. Although he didn’t believe her to be innocent, he still enjoyed how easily she blushed.

“That is not what I meant, and you know it,” she clarified.

“I don’t know. I saw how quickly you can remove a T-shirt,” he reminded her. Kenneth couldn’t believe her cheeks got even redder.

“That was totally different. My life was on the line. If that bee stung me, I might not be standing here now,” she stated.

He said, “I’m very glad you are.”

Shanda smiled. “Me too, but I wouldn’t mind it if you forgot about that incident.”

Kenneth chuckled. I want to remember it. “I believe you said, life is a chain of memories. I wouldn’t want to break the chain by removing that one.”

“You have a very good memory,” she said.

“I do. And I know if we don’t get going, we’re going to miss the auction.” That was okay with him, but he’d already promised Billy and Krissy that they’d meet there. Knowing them, they’d probably made a bet on whether or not he’d show.

“I’m ready when you are,” she said and grabbed her purse.

He opened her front door and stepped out and watched as she locked it. Good. It meant that she didn’t forget anything either. “Since we have a long ride ahead of us, did you want to spend the time talking about Home Blown?” He highly doubted she’d take him up on that offer, but he had to put it out there.

“I thought it’d be better to finally hear about you. I know what you do, you buy and sell stuff.”

That was the short version, but he didn’t want to talk about what he did. It had nothing to do with what Home Blown needed. “That is the gist of it.”

“Then tell me about your family. I know you’re not married. Have you ever been?” she asked.

“No. Not even close,” he said.

“Don’t believe it in?” she asked.
