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When he got up, she moved and opened the drawer on her nightstand. “Looking for these?” she asked, holding up multicolored condoms.

Full of surprises, aren’t you Shanda? He didn’t care about color, just protection. She had several in her hand, which he hoped to put to good use tonight. Blue reminded him how his balls ached right now, tight and in desperate need of her. Pink was a negative too. “How about we start with the purple, and work our way from there?” he teased.

She tossed the others back in the drawer. Kenneth was just about to take it from her, but she brushed his hand away. He watched her tear the foil packet, pull the condom out, and then she began to sheath him. His cock jumped at her touch, barely able to hold control.

Pressing his throbbing cock at her opening, he paused, his mouth taking hers. She was hot and wet, ready for him, and he could wait no longer.

“Please, Kenneth. Please, no more,” she begged softly in shallow breaths.

She wrapped her legs tightly around him, tugging for him to take her. In one thrust, he buried himself deep inside her. She instantly moaned and arched up to him to bring him even deeper.

No thought of his own wants or needs, he began to move within her, wanting to send her over the top again. He wanted this to be a night neither of them would ever forget. Only when her hips began to move did he quicken his rhythm. Moving faster and deeper, her cries of pleasure rumbled through him as he claimed her lips.

Her fingernails scraped down his back as he rode her hard and fast. He was losing control and could barely hold back. When her body rocked with another release, and she clenched tightly around him, he lost what little control he had. Plunging deep within her, he shuddered and her cries were drowned out by his own primal growl. It was a release so strong, he was spent.

Pulling out of her gently, he rolled to lie beside her, powerless to move or speak. Shanda didn’t seem to be in any different shape, either. They laid there trying to catch their breath. Eventually, Shanda spoke.

“That was…amazing. But…”

He rolled onto his elbow and looked down into her eyes. “But what?”

“I might be suffering from short-term memory loss. You might have to show me that again.”

He chuckled. “My pleasure, if you don’t mind waiting an hour.” He claimed her lips, then said, “Make that ten minutes.”

Shanda laughed and pulled him back down to her. Kenneth couldn’t get enough of her tonight, and he wasn’t sure he ever would.

Shanda wokeup to the sound of her stomach grumbling. With everything going on, she hadn’t taken time to eat earlier. What energy she had, was used early on. The only thing that kept her going was the fire that Kenneth continued to ignite over and over again.

She slipped out from under the covers, grabbed one of her bathrobes from behind the bedroom door and headed down to the kitchen. It wasn’t like this was her first midnight snack. Actually, it was pretty much a habit. Right now, she wasn’t looking for a quick bite. She was famished.

Opening the refrigerator, she started pulling out a variety of cheese and fruit. She wished she had something more substantial, but she hadn’t done any food shopping this week. Between work and time with Kenneth, things were being put on the back burner. There were many things she loved about living in Hope Valley. The lack of late-night takeout wasn’t one of them.

“You don’t happen to have any wine to go with that, do you?” Kenneth said, practically scaring her right out of her skin.

She turned around to tell him not to sneak up on her, but when she caught sight of him standing there in her spare bathrobe, she almost died. “I’m not sure pink polka dots is your color,” she teased.

“I thought about coming down here bare assed, figured this might be better. You didn’t happen to see what happened to my boxer shorts did you?”

She snickered. “I think they ran off with my bra, because that is MIA too.” She opened the fridge and said, “I have some sweet white wine if that will do.”


He was about to sit when she said, “Let’s go out on the porch. It’s such a lovely night. We can watch the stars while enjoying our snack.”

Kenneth frowned. “Damn, for a minute I thought you were going to offer me something else under those stars.”

Shanda rolled her eyes. “I have no idea where you get the energy.”

He walked over and opened her robe, his hands cupping her bare breasts, and said, “I’m sure you can figure it out.”

Her nipples hardened, but she brushed his hands away and tied her robe tight with the sash. “If I don’t eat, I’ll pass out.” Then she grabbed the food and said, “The glasses are in the cupboard on the left. I’ll meet you out back.”

They sat outside enjoying the cheese and grapes. She went light on sipping the wine until she had some substance in her.

“I can’t remember seeing so many stars,” Kenneth said.

“This is one of the things I love about the country. No streetlights around so the stars seem to shine even brighter. And do you notice something else?” She watched as Kenneth looked around and she added, “There is no one around. Well, if you look really heard, you might be able to see some cows out in the field, but only if the moon is full.”
