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Chapter Ten

When Kenneth had called her earlier that day to tell her he’d be picking her up and they could travel to his parents’ together, she had told him no, because it made no sense. Why would he drive all the way to Hope Valley only to head back towards Boston? But now, as they drove through the heavy wrought-iron gates and she laid eyes on the house, her nerves kicked in majorly. I’m so glad you insisted on picking me up. But then again, if I drove myself, I could say I got lost and not show up.

This wasn’t a house, it was a mansion. “Kenneth, this can’t be where your parents live.”

“It is,” he said.

“This is…massive. Like…” She bit back her words. But this was how billionaires lived. She didn’t even need to go inside to know that her entire house could fit in one of their rooms. Shanda had been happy with where she and Kenneth were in their relationship, not that either had put a label on what they were. But now, she felt the divide, as though they were worlds apart.

“Are you nervous?” he asked.

That was an understatement. She felt like she was going to be sick. Coming here was a mistake. It also was an eye-opener. “I don’t belong here,” she said.

“And why is that?” he asked.

“When your mother called, I somehow pictured dinner at a place more like Billy and Krissy’s home.” Even back at Krissy’s place, she should’ve realize that Kenneth was wealthy, but never imagined this rich. Seeing this now, for some crazy reason, it intimidated her.

“If you want, I’ll turn the car around and we’ll leave,” he said.

She looked over at him, thinking he was joking, but his expression showed he was serious. “You’d do that for me?”

He nodded. “My mother would be disappointed, but she’d get over it.”

It didn’t change the fact that Kenneth was way out of her league, but she felt much more at ease knowing he was there for her, and willing to stand by her. That was enough for her, at least for now.

“No. I’d like to meet your parents. It was just a bit of a…shock when I saw their home.”

“My friends had the same reaction when they came over for a visit too.”

“You grew up here?” she asked.

Kenneth pointed to windows on the top floor on the left. “That was my room.”

She stared at it as though trying to picture Kenneth looking out into this massive courtyard. She couldn’t. To her, he was just Kenneth, not billionaire Kenneth Heart.

No wonder you freaked out when the cow snuck up on us.

She chuckled softly.

“You find that funny?” he asked.

Shanda shook her head. “Just thinking about yesterday afternoon.”

Kenneth raised a brow. “I don’t remember you laughing. More like screaming and begging for more,” he teased.

It figured he only recalled that part of their picnic. In a way, that was a good thing. She smiled at him and said, “Maybe we should change the subject. I know how easily you get distracted.”

“Me? I believe you’re the one who is causing the distraction,” he stated. “Not that I’m complaining,” he said with a grin. “Why don’t we go inside, have dinner, and then get the hell out?” he said.

She looked at him, a bit concerned, and said, “Comments like those don’t help to calm my nerves, you know.”

He laughed. “You can pay me back when I meet your parents.”

That was a statement in itself. She hadn’t asked him over to her parents’, but he was already preparing himself for it. What would he think of them? They lived like she did. If she started thinking about it now, she’d just add another level of nerves on top of the ones she already had. Best get through tonight and deal with tomorrow when it comes. “Let’s see how this goes first.”

“I can already tell you what it will be like. Polite and dry conversation.”

“I’m sure it’s not going to be that bad,” she said. “Your mother was very nice on the phone.”
