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Shanda giggled, “Great game, but I don’t think it’s one for us tonight. At least not till later,” she said and leaned into Kenneth.

Billy chuckled. “You guys don’t need cards. Just a bumble bee.”

Shanda turned beet red and looked at Kenneth. “You told him?”

“No. But it may have been caught on security cameras.” Kenneth shot a warning look at Billy. “That was supposed to be deleted.”

“I did. But I had to scan through to make sure I deleted it all,” he said. “Trust me. I didn’t see very much.”

Shanda crossed her arms and said, “Am I to believe that?”

Kenneth said, “Billy’s a ball buster, but I believe him.”

“You should,” Krissy said. “Because he told me what you asked and he had me do it, just in case.” Shanda sighed with relief. “However, I watched the entire thing and it was hilarious. I mean, only because you didn’t get stung. Then I would’ve felt horrible.”

DeeDee said, “Why do I feel like I’m missing out on a great story?”

Krissy said, “Because you are. At first I thought Shanda might have been just joking about her allergic reaction to bee stings to get Kenneth’s attention. But since she left without him, I realized how serious it could’ve been. I called Kenneth to check on you and he confirmed you were okay.”

Shanda chuckled. “I seem to leave an impression wherever I go.”

Kenneth kissed the top of her head. “Yes you do. Even the bees know how sweet you are.”

“Awe, how romantic,” DeeDee said.

Shanda smiled up at Kenneth and said, “Yes it is, but don’t think that means I’m going to let you win.”

He shrugged. “Sorry guys, I tried.”

The ladies snickered.

She’d lived in this house for years, and this was the first time it felt like home. It wasn’t just having Kenneth here, but having their friends as well. She’d had people stop in for a visit, or over for dinner, but this seemed so different. Maybe it was because she wasn’t hosting this alone. They were a good fit in each other’s lives. And now, so were their friends.

Win or lose, tonight is going to be a great night.

Kenneth couldn’t sleep.Last night was great. He’d had so much fun. Even Billy and Krissy couldn’t stop talking about it. So why was his mind running a million miles an hour? He should be happy. God knows Shanda was. She smiled and laughed even in her sleep beside him.

He slipped out from beneath the covers and headed downstairs. He had already told her ahead of time that he needed to leave early. There were things he had to take care of in Boston and she understood that. Kenneth was becoming very comfortable staying with her in Hope Valley, but he needed to find a way to merge both lives.

Shanda wasn’t going to relocate to Boston. He wouldn’t waste his breath even asking. Last night was proof that this is where she belonged. Now he needed to make some hard decisions himself.

Kenneth didn’t bother making any coffee, because Shanda would probably sleep another few hours. He felt badly for not kissing her and saying goodbye, but he’d call her later. Since he was awake, he might as well put the time to use. And at this time of morning, he didn’t need to worry about any traffic jams.

He made it to his penthouse in less than an hour. Once inside, he decided to call someone he knew was already up. Pulling out his cell, he dialed Jerry’s number.

“I was beginning to think you were still pissed,” Jerry said.

“At what?” he asked.

“Not giving you enough advance warning about Mother. Did you hear? She’s planning a family…something. She said it was going to be causal. Have you ever seen Mother do anything casual?” he asked.

“I haven’t heard anything about it. Maybe I’ll give her a call later. When is this so-called family thing happening?”

“I guess next week. She said Aunt Carole is going to be there. I didn’t think they spoke anymore,” Jerry said. “I don’t know about you, but something funny is going on.”

“Maybe she misses her,” Kenneth responded. Or maybe someone opened her eyes to what she was missing too. “People change you know,” he said.

“Not Mother. Something is going on and I can’t figure out what.”
