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“Can’t you just be happy that she’s talking to her sister again? I mean that is what normal families do,” he said.

Jerry laughed. “My point exactly. That’s not us. When we get together there is a purpose behind it. I just can’t figure out this one.”

Kenneth would’ve been saying the same shit a few weeks ago. His mother wasn’t acting totally like herself. Granted, she was still meeting all her social requirements, but beyond that, she was almost as MIA as Kenneth was.

“You don’t think she’s sick or something, do you?” Jerry asked.

“Hell no. I saw her not that long ago and she looked fine,” he said, leaving out the details of their dinner.

“Okay. But I’m not so sure you’re in your right frame of mind either. I’ve stopped by a few times and the doorman informed me that you’ve been gone a lot lately. Since you’re not calling and bragging about some huge deal, I can only suspect you’re with that woman.”

“Her name is Shanda, and yes. I’ve been spending time with her in Hope Valley. Why had you stopped by my place? Were you looking to talk about anything specific? I might not have been in Boston, but I always check my messages and I don’t remember you calling me,” Kenneth stated. Jerry was his go-to brother in regard to business dealings, mostly because he skipped the bullshit and said it as it was, or at least, the way he thought it was. That’s why he called. He wanted to hear what Jerry would say about him relocating from Boston. He was glad he hadn’t, because he no longer cared what his opinion was. But I already know it anyway.

“Kenneth, I’m not going to lie. You’ve got me more worried than Mother does. How long are you planning on playing this game? Think about it. She doesn’t have anything to lose, but you sure as hell do. You have a life, a career, a fucking successful business. Hell, do I need to get you blinders so you can stay focused on the race you’re in? Or better yet, the one you were in. I already know of two deals you lost. How many more do there need to be before you wake up?” Jerry asked.

Kenneth wasn’t thrilled about losing one deal, never mind two. But what he’d gained in the process surpassed anything else. “Deals come and go all the time Jerry. What I have with Shanda doesn’t.”

“You’re that fucking serious about her, aren’t you?” Jerry asked.

He hadn’t talked to his brothers about his feelings for Shanda—mostly because they were all likeminded. Being with Shanda was a bad business decision. But when you took business out of the equation, everything else fell into place.

“Jerry, you know when the deal of a lifetime comes along, and you have to weigh if it is right for you at this point in time?”

“Yeah. Happens all the time. And I make the right choice,” Jerry said. “You used to as well.”

“I still do. Just the deal I’m looking at is long-term,” he said. Like, till death do us part. It was too soon to ask Shanda to marry him, but he already knew he was going to one day. She had quickly become the one thing he couldn’t walk away from. Eventually he was going to need to tell her that. Hopefully she feels the same.

“Kenneth, you’re my brother, and I hate to see you throw away everything you’ve worked so hard for. But I have to admit, I’ve never seen you so driven before. I only met her briefly, but even then, I knew there was something between you two. Whatever you decide to do, I’ll support you.”

“Even if I decide to move to Hope Valley?” he asked.

He heard Jerry sigh. “Yes. Doesn’t mean I won’t tell you that you’re fucking crazy. It’s a brother’s right. But yeah, I’ll have your back when you break that bad news to our parents.”

Kenneth wasn’t worried what his parents were going to say any longer. Based on what Jerry had said, their mother might actually be turning over a new leaf. She would always be headstrong when it came to business, but maybe she would be more willing to let her children have a life different from hers.

“I guess we’ll see at the family gathering, because I’m going to bring Shanda,” he said.

“I’d have been surprised if you didn’t. You might want to call your other brothers and touch base. It might also give them something to think about besides what’s going on with Mother.”

Kenneth laughed. “What you mean is, throw myself under the bus. Yeah, no thanks. I’ll let you do that.” He didn’t want to answer everyone’s questions, and he knew Jerry had no issue retelling the tale, with his own twist. Smooth with words; it’s why he’s so damn good at sales.

“It will be my pleasure. Just so you know, I’m going to make you sound really pathetic when I do,” Jerry teased.

“Just as long as Shanda doesn’t,” he warned.

“Hell no. From what Mother had said about her, Shanda’s more than what meets the eye. And from what I know about you, little brother, she better be as headstrong as I’ve been told,” Jerry said.

Oh she is. That and a whole lot more.“Guess you’ll learn that if you give her any shit. She’s really not a pushover.” Those country girls are a lot tougher than you’d think. “Guess I better use this time to get some work done.”

“You going to call Mother?” Jerry asked.

“I’m going to stop by the house. Want to join me?” Kenneth asked.

Jerry laughed. “Are you kidding me? I’ve got some phone calls to make. Can’t wait to hear what your other brothers think.”

And just like with you, it won’t change my mind.

He ended the call and then spent the rest of the day making arrangements with clients. He wasn’t walking away from his business, as Jerry may have thought. But there was no reason why he couldn’t commute and be in Boston, or New York, or Paris, if the deal required it. Shanda hadn’t asked anything of him except to always tell her the truth. Finally he knew what that was. Now all he needed was the plan to make it all happen.

My biggest investment ever.

He’d never thought the day would come when he actually wanted his mother’s advice.
