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“No sweetheart. I’m telling you what your heart already knows. Now go and tell it to Kenneth before you chicken out,” Paula smirked. “And I would make that conversation happen today.”

“Mom, there isn’t a major rush. I just needed to bounce this off someone and I didn’t want to talk to DeeDee about it,” she said.

Her mother reached out and gave her a huge squeeze. “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for that. You two have been confidants since you were tiny. Finally I get to give the motherly advice.”

“Mom, I always asked you for advice,” Shanda reminded her.

“But you never took it. I really think you should this time. Kenneth appears to be a good man, and I’ve never seen you so happy. Shanda, take the risk. Trust him. Trust yourself.”

She smiled at her and said, “Okay Mom. I’ll call him tonight and tell him I want to talk.”

Paula made a face. “Maybe don’t use those words. He’ll worry that something is wrong.”

“I wish you could just do it for me. You know, ask him what his plans are for us,” she half joked.

“I don’t have to. I already know,” Paula said.

Shanda peered into her mom’s eyes and asked, “Has he come back here without me?”


“Called?” she asked.

“Nope,” Paula replied.

Shanda wasn’t usually so untrusting, but for some reason she had a feeling her mom was holding something back. “Why is it I’m not sure I should be trusting you right now?”

“I’m your mother. You can always trust me. Now, go home, think about what I said, and tell Kenneth how you feel. You might find he’s feeling the same way,” Paula said.

Confused, frustrated, and in love?

Shanda got up and said, “Thanks Mom. I’ll let you know what he says.”

“Okay, but I’m telling you, I already know his answer. It’s written all over his face when he looks at you.”

She headed out to her car, but was feeling a bit more hopeful. Not that she had any idea how she was going to start the conversation, but at least she knew tonight it was taking place.

As she drove up her street, she noticed a surveyor on the road near her property. It wasn’t something she normally saw in her area unless someone was selling. She pulled over her car and shouted, “Excuse me. Are you looking at my property?” She wasn’t selling, but hopefully the bank wasn’t doing it for some reason that she wasn’t going to like. As far as she knew, she was up-to-date with payments for her loan and her taxes. I think I am.

The man walked over and said. “Mr. Crawly is selling several acres.”

“But his farm butts up against my land. What’s he doing with the cows?” she asked.

“Mr. Crawly said he’s moving them to the other side.”

“That makes no sense. Why would he sell?” she asked.

“Mr. Crawly said he got an offer he couldn’t refuse. Mr. Crawly said whatever they are building between your two properties must be mighty big and important, because they paid top dollar for it.”

“You mean like condos or something?” she asked.

“Don’t know. Just marking off what is being sold.”

“How…many acres?” she asked.

“Fifty acres,” he replied.

Holy shit!She owned about ten. If they bought that from Mr. Crawly, she didn’t doubt they’d come knocking on her door to buy hers as well. The right price and I’m selling.
