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“Also bought twenty-five acres on the other side of you too,” he said.

“They are buying the property all around me?”

“Yes ma’am. If you’re lucky, you’re next.”

She said, “Thank you.” Rolling up her window, she pulled into her driveway and sat in her van trying to process it all. She wanted to be free to move to Boston. Maybe this was the universe making a way for that to happen. But if they didn’t purchase her property, she could be stuck living with neighbors that she didn’t want. I’m not ready for all this change. I want my quiet porch. I want Kenneth on it with me.

Wants didn’t matter. Her mom was right. Even this house didn’t mean as much to her as Kenneth did. Let them have it. As long as I have Kenneth, I have everything I need to be happy.

She grabbed her purse and went inside. Maybe a hot shower would help put her mind at ease. All this worrying had only accomplished one thing: a major headache.

As she turned on the shower, her phone rang. This at least would brighten her day.

“Hello Kenneth, how’s your day?”

“Good, but I’m stuck in Boston. I have a major deal I’m working on that I need to finish. I won’t be able to see you until tomorrow night. Is that okay?”

It was nice that he was concerned, but just reiterated the reason why she should relocate. He needed to have access to Boston, and Hope Valley was too far of a daily drive.

“Of course it is. Kenneth, you don’t have to come down here so much. I love seeing you, being with you, but I know your business is in Boston. Take your time. We can see each other on the weekend. Or if you want…I can come up to Boston one night.” There. She did it. The door was open, and all he needed to do was to invite her. But he didn’t.

“I’ll be there tomorrow night. It might be late, so don’t wait to eat. But I promise, I’ll be there.”

“Okay. Good night Kenneth,” she said, trying to hide her disappointment.

“Good night baby. I’ll text you in the morning.”

With that, he ended the call and she was left feeling worse than ever. She really needed him tonight. He would know what to do about what was going on in her neighborhood. He always had a good suggestion. Not that she took them all, but at least she listened.

Damn I miss him.

Kenneth pulled into her driveway.The lights were still on in the bedroom, which meant she probably was in there reading some magazine. It was good that she followed the trends of home décor, but didn’t have it affect her own personal creativity. It was what made Home Blown unique.

There was a lot he had to talk to her about. His gut said this was the right decision to make, but he really should’ve spoken to her before making it. His rationale for not doing so was that he believed in what they had together. Hopefully she did too.

Kenneth turned off his car, and headed to the front porch. He tried the door and smiled when he found it locked. Of course she hadn’t given him a key, so he had to do like any other visitor. Knock. It sucked and he hoped after tonight that would change. He was ready for the next step in their relationship: living together.

Even before he knocked, the door was opening. “I saw your headlights.” She practically leaped into his arms. “I’ve missed you,” she said.

Wrapping his arms around her, he held her close. “I’ve missed you too.” He looked down and noticed she was only in her baby-doll nightgown. “You shouldn’t be out on the porch in that. What if someone saw you?”

“I was hoping someone did. You,” she smiled.

He scooped her up into his arms, walked into the house, and kicked the door shut behind him. “You know damn well I wasn’t talking about me,” he said. Anyone could go by.”

“Maybe a stray cow, but I’m afraid that might be changing,” she answered, her bright eyes now dull.

“Don’t like cows?” he asked.

“You really don’t want to talk about this right now, do you? I mean, you’ve been in Boston for a few days and I thought that…”

He kissed her gently and said, “I missed you too. But I want to hear how your day was. We have plenty of night ahead of us for…everything else.” Kenneth didn’t want to rush tonight. He knew once they started, he’d never talk to her about what he’d decided. “Why don’t we sit down and talk.”

“Is that really what you want to do?” she asked playfully.

It was killing him. His body was reacting to her sexy voice, but his head reminded him what was on the line. “For now,” he said, letting her feet drop to the floor. “I promise, I’ll make it up to you later.”

That brought a smile to her face as he sat on the couch. It was difficult not to reach out and sit her on his lap like usual. Right now, the more distance the better, at least for the moment.
