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Chapter Seven

“Mrs. Heart, you shouldn’t have gone through all this trouble,” Shanda said giving his mother a hug.

“Please, call me Marcy. We are going to be family,” his mother said.

Shanda smiled, and then did the same to his father. “Thank you David. This means so much to me.”

David said, “We’ve always wanted a daughter. Now we’ll have one.”

Jerry was standing right there and said, “Gee, thanks Dad.”

“You know we love all our sons, but a girl, well, they have a way of brightening up things,” David said. “Look at Shanda’s smile. When was the last time you smiled like that?”

Clark came over and said, “Since we don’t wear lipstick, I’d say never.”

Jerry rolled his eyes. Was Clark trying to rev his parents up? They all knew better than to engage when they didn’t need to.

Marcy said, “Clark, you know very well that is not what your father meant.”

Jerry took that as his opportunity to step away. Although he normally would enjoy watching Clark get reprimanded, he had other things on his mind. He stepped out onto the patio and checked his phone. He hadn’t heard from Reanna since she’d texted him earlier saying she would meet him here. He hadn’t thought anything of it until she didn’t show.

Kenneth and Shanda had been able to break free as well and joined him outside. “You ran away quickly,” Kenneth said.

“I’m older and wiser,” Jerry responded

Kenneth chuckled. “Older is right.”

He’d just left Clark’s smartass, he wasn’t in the mood for Kenneth’s. Turning his attention to Shanda he said, “You looked as though you were really surprised.”

“I was. You could’ve given me or Kenneth the heads-up. I would’ve worn something different,” Shanda said.

“You look beautiful,” Kenneth said and kissed her on the cheek.

“Thank you. But a girl likes to look her best at things like this you know. Neither Krissy nor Reanna said a word either. Hey, where is Reanna? I thought for sure my maid of honor would be here,” Shanda stated.

“I was about to ask if you’d heard from her,” Jerry said.

Shanda looked at Kenneth. “You don’t think something’s happened to her do you? I mean, maybe we should call and check on her.”

Jerry could feel Kenneth glaring at him. “Something probably came up.”

By something you mean me. Yeah, you’re probably right.At least Jerry hoped that was all it was. “She’s been working the overnight shift. Maybe she couldn’t get the time off.” The last time he’d spoken to her, she had said that wasn’t an issue. Something had changed since then and he wasn’t sure what. They spoke, but it wasn’t like before, light and playful. Reanna was pulling away from him and he wanted to know why.

And after this damn party, I’m going to find out.

“I know there was a huge wreck last night. If she was on, I’m sure she was there. It was awful. Did you see it on the news?” Shanda asked.

“We don’t get the Hope Valley news in Boston.” Jerry wished right now that he did.

“I’m sure that explains why she isn’t here. Heck, if I had my way, I wouldn’t be either,” Kenneth said.

Shanda slapped his bicep. “That’s horrible. Your mother went through a lot of trouble for us.”

“No. She did this for her. Trust me, she’s in heaven right now having all these people at the house. You can believe this is about us, but it’s always about her,” Kenneth added. “If you don’t believe me, ask Jerry.”

Jerry raised his hands and said, “You’re on your own on this one.”

Kenneth raised a brow and asked, “Already in too much hot water yourself?”
