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She looked shocked. “You aren’t serious, are you?”

“I am. I wanted you to know that money and success are nothing to me without you.”

She laughed. “Well, I guess I have a problem. You see, there is one piece of property that is in the center of all of mine. I hear the owner is stubborn and probably won’t sell. What do you think I should do about it?”

“I guess there is only one thing you can do.”

“What is that?” she asked.

“Accept his offer for a merger.”

“What type of merger?” Anne asked.

“The ‘until death do us part’ kind.” I pulled her back into my arms and said, “Anne, there is so much we need to learn about each other, but I want to learn them with you by my side. These past few days have been hell thinking I’d lost you for good. I never want to feel like that again.”

“Me neither. I never knew what emptiness felt like until you weren’t there. But I want you to promise me something,” she said.

“Anything for you,” I replied.

“I want you to move forward with that development.”

“Why?” I asked.

“Because when you love someone, their hopes and dreams become yours. And what’s important to them becomes important to you. And besides, what on earth would we do with all that land anyway?”

I grinned at her and said, “I know what I wanted, but I think we can make that decision together later.”

“And what would you like to do in the meantime? she asked.

I looked over her shoulder and saw Clark standing there. Thank you, brother. I owe you. He gave me a brief nod before walking away.

I scooped her up into my arms and said, “I have a few suggestions, but none that we can act on here.”

“Hmmm, your land or mine?” she teased.

“How about ours?” I said.

“I love the sound of that,” she smiled.

As I carried her out the red-haired woman said, “Hey, what am I supposed to do with that car?”

“I’ll have it picked up,” I said.

Anne said, “I was going to have it junked.”

“It’s your first love note to me. Do you really think it belongs in a junkyard?” I asked.

Anne laughed. “We could just grab the note on the windshield.”

“Sorry. I don’t want just pieces of you. I want all of you. And that goes for your note as well.”

She snuggled her head into my neck and whispered, “I’m all yours.”

And I’m going to make sure you never spend a moment regretting it.
