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“Will it take me out for ice cream?” Lizzy asked. I nodded and she said to Clark, “Looks like you’re off the hook for tomorrow. I’m going with them.”

I was happy Lizzy finally found something about camping she enjoyed. I just wished it would be in her own vehicle and not ours. Richard must’ve thought the same because he said to Clark, “Looks like we’re renting two.”

Clark nodded and cracked open a beer. “Can’t wait.”

I didn’t know Clark, but I felt like I owed him now, too. I finished my pizza and said, “I’m really tired, so I think I’ll go to bed early.”

“Hope you can remember which tent is yours,” Lizzy teased.

I shot her a warning look, but deep down, I was hoping Richard would find his way to mine once everyone was asleep. Our eyes met as I passed him, and I felt the electricity of our connection. There’d be some slithering going on after all and I couldn’t wait. There was just one problem.

Damn. I knew I should’ve brought condoms. Richard had told me on our way down the mountain that he was fresh out.

When I got inside my tent there was a bag on my pillow. Picking it up I noticed something written on it. BFF. What had Lizzy gotten me this time? Usually it was chocolate. I opened the bag and pulled out a box of flavored condoms.

You really are the best friend anyone can ask for.

I was looking forward to our outing tomorrow, but not as much as what tonight was going to bring. Richard made me feel so…alive. I couldn’t wait to be in his arms again.

I wish these tents were soundproof because it won’t be the sound of critters that keeps everyone up tonight.
