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“I’m going to be very careful not to seal the deal on this one too quickly. I won’t miss another opportunity like that.”

“I’m trying to be serious,” I said firmly.

He sat up straight and said, “Sorry. You’re just too distracting and I haven’t seen you since yesterday.”

“And if you don’t let me tell you, we won’t ever make it to your place.”

“I’m listening,” he said.

I was bursting at the seams to share this news with him. I couldn’t believe that I resisted calling him when I opened my mail yesterday. Sitting up, filled with pride, I said, “I got into Boston College.”

He smiled and said, “Congratulations.”

Richard didn’t seem surprised. That wasn’t a good sign. “Did you know already?”


“You don’t seem…shocked,” I said.

“I’m not. You’re an intelligent woman and they would’ve been idiots to turn down your application.”

I still wasn’t sure it was as cut and dried as that. “And you had nothing to do with my acceptance?”

He shook his head. “You did this all on your own, Joyelle, and I’m immensely proud of you. Besides, you made it extremely clear that if I interfered in any way, you’d never forgive me.”

“I am not sure I was that harsh when I said it.”

“I heeded the warning. Now, can I make a suggestion?” he asked.


“Let’s get these boxes in the car, go home, and celebrate all your good news,” Richard said.

“That does sound good, but I have one request, too.”

“Whatever you want, I’m yours,” he said.

“How about giving that twin bed one last go? I thought of a new position that might actually work,” I said, running my hand up his thigh.

“I don’t give a fuck if we break the damn thing.” He scooped me into his arms and carried me to the bed.

Our clothes were flung off in all different directions. He went to kiss me then stopped. “Joyelle, I’m glad you’re moving in with me. I want to wake with you beside me every morning. I love you.”

“I love you too, Richard.”

He pulled me against him, and his hard cock teased me. “Now, what were you saying about a new position?”

“Actually, there are a few,” I said as we fell onto the bed. Instantly we heard the frame snap and the mattress dropped onto the floor. We both burst out laughing.

“At least we won’t be disturbing the tenant downstairs with all the squeaking.”

“Nope. Just all the screaming out for more,” he teased.

I reached down and took his cock in my hand. “I believe I know how to make you beg just as much.”

“That you do.”

“Then let the begging begin,” I said. He claimed my lips and stopped to look down at me. “What’s wrong?” I asked.

He said, “Absolutely nothing.” Then he kissed me again, and I knew this was the beginning of another chapter of our lives. But this one we’d be writing together.

The End
