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Chapter Four


“I’m so glad you came with us, PJ,” said Joyelle from the front seat. “This was so much fun!”

Piling into the SUV for a shopping adventure during the day was one thing, but now it was almost sunset and we weren’t even back to camp yet. This was a crazy idea. If Joey or Crystal knew I was out gallivanting with practical strangers, they’d come up here and drag me back home. Guess I won’t be telling them.

These ladies had been so warm and welcoming, letting me in on family stories and inside jokes. I felt like I was among friends and not like I was crashing a party. It had been such a lovely day that I really didn’t want to go back to an empty hotel room. Besides, what better way to get to know Clark better than through his family?

“Thank you for the invite today. All I had packed was work clothes and one pair of sweats.”

“And you only bought two outfits today?” Lizzy said. “Looks like we might have to do this again tomorrow,” she laughed.

“I won’t be here that long. Just a few days. But I appreciate the offer,” I replied.

“We’re supposed to be here a week, but without us at the camp distracting them, I bet the guys spent the entire time talking shop.” Shanda said.

Everyone except Lizzy nodded. Lindsay said, “I’m with Phillip. He believes it’s his responsibility as the eldest to keep his siblings heading in the right direction. I wish that meant he dragged them all hiking or something.”

“I wouldn’t put money on that,” Reanna said. “Heart men, left on their own, always revert to what they know - work.”

The others nodded. Reanna continued. “Thank God they have us or they probably wouldn’t ever get out of their suits.”

I hadn’t seen Clark in anything but shorts and a t-shirt. Bet he’d look amazing in a tux.

Anne leaned closer to me and said, “I hope we’re not scaring you. There’s more to these guys than most people realize. Actually, probably more than they even know about themselves.”

Why were they telling me this? I had just met Clark a few days earlier. It wasn’t like we were in a relationship. Heck, he hadn’t even kissed me.

I bet he’s an amazing kisser.

I was getting ahead of myself. This was just a family being kind. Maybe I should do the same and ask them to drop me off at my hotel. I should let them go on enjoying each other, building more memories.

Before I could suggest it, the SUV turned off the road and onto a very bumpy dirt one. When we came into a clearing, I could see the men standing by the fire. It wasn’t fully dark yet, and even from the vehicle, I could tell they were related. It wasn’t just they were all talk dark hair and handsome, but their posture as well. They weren’t stiff, but I could see the confidence in each of them. I had no idea who the Heart family was, but I had a feeling, they weren’t someone you messed with and walked away, unscathed. Good there I’m here on an invite.

Once parked, we all climbed out of the SUV and one by one, they joined the men by the fire. It didn’t take much to see who was paired up with whom, as each of the ladies was greeted with a kiss from her mate. All except Lizzy. She had stayed behind with me. Quickly my eyes scanned the area and noticed twelve chairs, once again all paired up.

Clark walked over to us with a smile. “Guess you found something on your outing.”

I didn’t understand what he was referring to, but then he pointed to my clothing. I had forgotten that all he’d ever seen me wearing was black. This light purple t-shirt and Jean shorts felt more like…me. “Oh. Yes. It will hold me till I go home.”

Lizzy shook her head and said, “Two outfits won’t last the week. Maybe you and I can go back in the morning and get more.” Then Lizzy held up her bag to Clark and said, “Somehow I came back with enough for a month.”

“That doesn’t surprise me at all,” he replied.

Twelve chairs. Six couples. I don’t belong here.

I had thought Clark was interested in me on a personal level. Boy, did I call that one wrong.

“My feet are killing me. Why don’t we go grab a seat and enjoy the fire?” Lizzy said.

Because I don’t want to be a thirteenth wheel.

“I’m actually tired. Maybe I should head back to the hotel?”

“You’re kidding, right?” Lizzy asked. I shrugged and she said, “I bought chocolate for s’mores,” she said, trying to tempt me.

“Maybe another time,” I said. Then I remembered, I didn’t have a car here. How was I going to get to the hotel? “Lizzy, do you think you can give me a ride back?”
