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Chapter Five


I know I had told PJ we’d meet early, but I never expected to receive a text before sunrise to say the diner opened at six-thirty. Not that I liked to sleep in, but I would’ve expected her to. Not because she needs any beauty sleep. She’s already drop dead gorgeous, even when she’s dressed like she just lost her best friend.

The streets were practically empty at this early hour and the morning fog was still heaving on the mountains. I saw something up ahead, and knew to slow down quickly. Sure enough, it was a moose. She was nearly six feet and not something I wanted to make contact with. I love nature, but knew if provoked, she was going to win. And if the bull was anywhere nearby, I’d be fucked if I even beeped my horn at her to get her out of the road. The smart thing to do is sit and enjoy the view.

She appeared to be playing with me, because she would almost make it across the street, then stop, turn around and slowly go back to the other side. I pulled out my cell phone, snapped a photo and sent it to PJ.


SHE DOESN’T APPEAR TO BE IN ANY HURRY EITHER. The diner could wait all day, I didn’t care, but PJ was going out with Lizzy at nine, so I wanted to make the most of our time now. And because she reached out so early, I think PJ feels the same way.

Come on cow. Move it along. I have a beautiful young lady anxiously waiting.

The moose looked towards my Jeep, took a few steps in my direction, then stopped. The bull had joined her, and now had her attention.

Keep going.

A moment later, both had disappeared into the woods. I wished I had gotten it all on video, but at this point, I was glad they didn’t see me as a threat.

When I finally arrived at the hotel, PJ was standing outside. She hopped into the Jeep eagerly.

“Hungry?” I teased.

She snickered. “I wish I could say it wasn’t true, but I’m starving. The only thing I ate yesterday was the darn ice cream, and really, half of that melted down my hand.”

I’m such a jerk.

I had dropped her off last night with an empty stomach. “Sorry. That’s my fault. I should’ve insisted you stay at the campsite or at least brought you to dinner.”

“S’mores aren’t really food anyway. And if you haven’t noticed, things close early here if they even open at all mid-week. But when I first arrived, I went to eat at this brewery. They had the most amazing chili quesadilla I’ve ever had.” I watched her lick her top lip slowly before she added, “Oh, I shouldn’t talk about food. Not when I’m this hungry.”

I smiled and said, “Then I guess I’d better drive fast.”

She giggled. “Normally I’d remind you of the speed limit. But I’m so hungry I confused the growl of my stomach for my alarm clock. That’s why I’m up so early!” As we drove, she added, “Just remember to keep your eyes open just in case that moose decided to follow you here.”

“I think we’re safe in town, but keep a close eye on the surroundings.” Even if it means taking my eyes off you.

Pulling out of the parking lot, I headed for the diner. A few of the locals were already there. Tourists would come later. When we got inside, the waitress called out from behind the counter. “Sit where you want.”

We headed for the corner booth. I took the seat with my back to the wall. I liked to keep an eye on the door.

PJ raised her hand like she was waiting to be called on in school and called out, “Coffee.”

The waitress replied, “Coming right up.”

Normally I placed my order when they came to the table, but at this point, might as well save her the trip. “Make that two.”

“You got it,” she said.

When the coffee arrived, the waitress also handed us menus. “Want to hear our specials?”

“Nope. I’ll take the he-man special. Eggs sunny side up. Bacon crispy. Hash browns done well with wheat toast and the chocolate chip pancakes on the side with maple syrup,” PJ said.

The waitress asked, “Are you splitting it?”

I understood why. That was probably more food than she ever saw someone PJ’s size order. But PJ seems to be full of surprises. Wouldn’t shock me one bit if she ate more than I did. Just looks better on her than me.
