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Smiling I responded, “I know. You’re my favorite brother.” He glared at me because he was my only brother, but I couldn’t help teasing him anyway.

The cashier called out, “Are you purchasing anything? Because you’re holding up my line.”

I blushed and rushed back to my shopping cart. “Sorry. I was just catching up with my brother. Seems like ages since we’ve seen each other, and it’s only been a few weeks.”

She didn’t seem to care, and just scanned my items and bagged them. I paid, packed the bags into my car, and headed back to my apartment to surprise Clark with a home-cooked meal.

When I put the bags down in the kitchen, I noticed the bedroom door was wide open. I thought for sure I’d closed it when I left earlier. I didn’t even bother putting away the groceries and I went to check on Clark. The bed was vacant, and surprisingly, made neatly.

“Clark?” I called out, thinking he might be in the bathroom. No response.

He’s gone.

I couldn’t believe he left without calling or texting me. Part of me was concerned that I wouldn’t see him again, but somehow our paths keep crossing. I had a feeling it wasn’t by accident, either. Although I believed in fate, Clark had made an effort to find me. And I’m glad he did.

When I went back into the kitchen to put away the groceries, I saw a note stuck to the refrigerator with my new New Hampshire magnet. I pulled it off and read it.


I chucked to myself. Guess I should’ve bought dinner items instead of breakfast.

It wasn’t like the food would go to waste. I still had to eat. And with any luck, Clark would spend another night, and I’d be prepared tomorrow morning.

When I finished putting the groceries away, I heard my cell phone ringing. It was Crystal.

“Hi, let me guess. Joey told you he saw me at the market,” I said.

“Yes, he did. And I have to say, I’m not happy with you right now. How could you tell him before telling me? I mean, I know he’s your brother, but BFF is supposed to trump everything.”

“Exactly, Crystal. But I have no idea how you didn’t guess before Joey,” I said.

“I barely saw you when I picked you up at the airport. And you were wearing baggy sweats,” she said.

“What do my clothes have to do with Clark?” I asked.

“Is he the father?” she asked.

“Of who?” I snapped, frustrated.

“Your baby. Is Clark the father? Have you known him longer than you told me?” Crystal asked.

My baby?

“What the hell are you talking about? And why do you think I’m pregnant?” I questioned angrily.

“You told Joey you were,” she stated.

“I sure as hell didn’t! For the record, I’m not pregnant.”

Crystal sighed. “You’d tell me if you were, right?”

Was it that hard to believe? I hadn’t dated in a while and Clark and I just had sex last night. I was on birth control and we used a condom, so I figured I was pretty safe.

“Crystal, I swear to you that I am not pregnant.”

“Then why did you tell him you’re eating for two?” she asked.

I burst out laughing. “Nope. That would be a miscommunication. He saw my shopping cart filled with enough food for two. Me and Clark.”
