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I waved to Lizzy to come over. She got up and headed towards us. “If you don’t mind, I think I’ll have that talk with Lizzy now.”

Jerry nodded. “Direct honesty is always best.” He left to join Reanna.

I run a multi-billion-dollar business. The last thing I need is a lecture on how to talk to someone.

“What’s up?” she asked.

“You look…upset. Are you still angry that I kept you waiting the other day?”

She snickered. “My, aren’t you full of yourself. That was two days ago. I was over it as soon as you showed up to pick me up.”

“Then why the scowl from Joyelle?”

“That’s your doing, not mine.”

“Care to fill me in?” I prodded.

Lizzy grinned. “Joyelle worked hard with the other ladies to plan this family vacation. But you seem to keep disappearing.”

“You went too!”

“Once. But yesterday afternoon, you skipped out again. I covered for you and said that you didn’t get a chance to finish your hike because I interrupted it with my shopping. I could be wrong, but I have a feeling you’re already planning on taking off again today.”


“Did you want to come?” I asked.

“And be the third wheel on your date? No, thank you,” she said.

“You’re not upset that I’m…spending time with someone?”

“Should I be?”

I shook my head and Lizzy continued.

“Good, because I’m not. And Joyelle only invited me along because she was worried you wouldn’t stay if you didn’t have someone to talk to.” She snorted. “I tried telling her you’re not the chatty type.”

I had no problem holding a conversation. I’ve smiled through more dates pretending to give a shit, when in fact I couldn’t recall what they said. But there was no point in explaining this to Lizzy. With her, I learned to keep my responses, short.

“No, I’m not. But I really appreciate you being so understanding,” I stated.

“I tried meeting someone here, too, but all the guys here want to hike or ride ATVs. I don’t have to tell you what I think of that.”

No you don’t, but you probably will.

“I mean, you come back covered in dirt and bugs. And it’s not like you can soak in a hot bath to get all that grime off you,” she grumbled. “But if someone invites me out for dinner, that might be a different story.”

It’s not going to be me.

“Do you want to go home?” I inquired. If she needed a ride back, I’d give it. Can’t believe I’m hoping she doesn’t want to go.

“Absolutely! But I will never hear the end of it from Joyelle. So I’m sticking it out. And I probably won’t even go into town without the others anymore, because they invited us here because they want us here.”

Was she trying to guilt me into cancelling my plans with PJ? That wasn’t going to happen. PJ was staying to spend time with me. “What are you trying to say?”

“That maybe you ask her to join you here.”

I couldn’t contain my laughter. “You’re trying to punish me for making you wait, aren’t you?”
