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I mixed the dough until it stuck together before cutting it into different shapes and sticking it in the preheated oven.

When the boys told me about the sleepover, they mentioned that everyone was bringing something, but said they didn't have to since their friend's mom understood they didn't have a mom at home to put anything together. That inspired my baking. I didn't want them to feel left out.

Once the oven dinged, I pulled out the freshly baked cookies and inhaled the scent.

"Wow, cookies!" Leon entered the kitchen, eyes wide as he took in the tray.

Brady was right behind him and hopped onto a stool to marvel at the different shapes. “Look, Leon! This one's a car.”

“For your sleepover,” I told them. “Have you both showered and packed your bags?”

The boys nodded enthusiastically, eyes shining. If the sleepover was as fun as it sounded, they would have a lot to eat, but I wanted feedback on my cookies right away. They had cooled, so I set two out on paper plates for the boys with glasses of milk.

They munched on the cookies quietly, and I waited for their review.

“So, what do you think?” I prompted, unable to stop myself.

“I love it.” Brady grinned.

“Can I have more?” Leon asked. “Just to get a better taste.”

I saw the mischief in his eyes and chuckled. "You'll have more at the sleepover." I cleared the kitchen and packed the cookies into a fancy dish.

After I confirmed the boys’ backpacks contained everything they'd need for the night and the next morning, we headed down the elevator to the garage.

Once we all buckled in, I drove out and joined the early evening traffic. I looked in my side-view mirror and spotted the black car on our tail. The first few times I left the house and saw them, I felt self-conscious. But now, it was comforting to know the men Shawn assigned to watch out for Eric were always around.

Speaking of the stalker, I hadn't seen him since that day in the coffee shop. Maybe he had given up. But when I mentioned the same to Shawn, he insisted on keeping the men around until we were sure.

I took a left on the GPS's instruction, holding the wheel steadily. Before long, we arrived at the home. The neighborhood was a lovely suburb with picket fences and mowed lawns. The boys hopped out of the car, carrying their bags, and I handed them the cookies. I waited by the curb as they walked up the door and knocked.

A full-figured woman opened up and beamed at them. Leon handed her the dish, and her eyes widened. A conversation I couldn't hear went on between them, and he glanced back, pointing at me. The woman smiled and waved. I waved back. Another boy, Leon's age, squeezed past the woman and pulled the boys in. I waited until the door clicked shut before pulling away.

Alone in the car with nothing to distract me, my head went to the night I would have with Shawn. He had promised to be home by 8pm, so I had about fifty minutes to get home and prepare. First, I would shower, then moisturize my skin and put on something he'd likely rip off the moment he set eyes on me.

Once I parked in the garage, I headed upstairs quickly and had half my clothes off by the time I reached my bedroom. I tossed the messy clothes aside, wrapped a towel around my chest, and slathered on a face mask. I wanted to be as fresh as possible. Smiling, I plopped into the chair at my desk and pulled my laptop close to pass the time.

An email popped up. Idly, I clicked on it expecting a spam advert, but then I read the letterhead and paused. Holding my breath, I read aloud, "Dear Miss Violet Emerson, the school board of Doyen Academy is pleased to inform you that your application has been considered and approved. You are required to come in for a formal interview to..." A shrill cry tore from my throat, and I jumped up and down. "Oh, my goodness!" I read through the email one more time to ensure my eyes weren't playing tricks on me. No, they weren't. I had an interview with one of the best schools in Cape Worth.

I fell into the chair and wiped at my teary eyes. When I had started job hunting, I was discouraged that most teaching positions had low pay and excessive demands. Then I left the job boards and simply sent cold emails to different prestigious schools. I just did so in a moment of desperation. I had no idea it would pay off, but it looked like it had.

I skimmed the email one more time and grinned. This was it. I was getting my life back. Shawn would be thrilled when I told him that—I paused. Would he? He was supportive of me and even offered to help me job hunt, but now that it worked out, a bundle of nerves grew in the pit of my stomach.

If I got the job, I'd move out and have my own place. What would that mean for the boys? What would that mean for Shawn and me? Shawn would most likely find a replacement nanny easily, but I would miss them terribly. Plus, Shawn traveled frequently, and when he was home, the boys took up most of his day. The only times we had together as a couple, we squeezed in late at night or when the boys were at school. Even then, Shawn had to push back on work. When I move out, there would be no running into each other in the hallway. No stolen glances with the boys none the wiser. No private touches.

I sagged against the chair and ran my hands through my hair, taking a deep breath. Being around the house all the time had most likely facilitated the...fling between Shawn and me. If I wasn't here anymore, would he think I wasn't worth the time or effort? How would we balance our schedules?

A low throb started at the base of my skull. I pulled myself out of the chair and went to the bathroom. The warm water from the shower washed over my hair and skin, easing some of the tension coiling through me. But as I bathed, all I could think about was the inevitable end of Shawn and me. What if I stayed here? What if I didn't take the job? Even as I thought it, Eric flashed through my head. Shawn was a very different man. What we shared even in this short time felt real, but I still couldn't imagine being so dependent on a man. Eric didn't even have control over my job but still managed to ruin it. What if Shawn—

“Shawn is not Eric,” I breathed out, over and over until I quieted that doubtful voice.

He was coming home tonight. It'd been three long days, and I had to survive on just the sound of his voice on the other end of the line. I didn't need these thoughts spoiling the time I'd been looking forward to.

I turned off the shower and dried my body as I made my way back to the bedroom. The laptop screen pulled me in, and I reread it. Blowing out a breath, I chided myself.You've wanted this for a long time. Enjoy it. Be grateful.

With those thoughts in place, I pulled open my closet doors and picked out the outfit I planned to wear. The lace was expensive and soft to the touch. I bit my lip, feeling naughty. Tonight would make every penny I had spent on the garment worth it.

And though my heart tightened at the thought that I would eventually leave, while I was still here, I would make the most of every moment I had left. Starting now. I rubbed a smooth, soft lotion on my skin, perfumed myself, and slipped on the dress. Then I headed downstairs to wait for Shawn.
