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The plane taxied to a stop, and I climbed down the stairs. A cool wind whipped through my hair and into my open jacket. I inhaled the fresh fragrance that was uniquely Cape Worth's and sighed. It was good to be back. I made these journeys so frequently I never thought twice about getting out of the plane and speeding home, but these days, I appreciated little moments more, like how my heart raced with the thought of seeing Violet.

I walked briskly, cutting across the hanger. My car sat waiting for me. Climbing in, I revved the engine, pulled out, and headed home.

The thirty minutes it took to drive from the private airport to my penthouse felt like an eternity. It'd been three days since I left. What was half an hour? But my brain wouldn't process that reasoning. All I wanted was to see Violet.

The last time I came home from a business trip, she surprised me with a meal. It was delicious, but all I wanted was a taste of her lips. The boys were there, so I stuck to eating and making small talk. The moment they turned in for the night, I sought her out and received my private welcome home greeting.

My cock pressed against my zipper. Despite traveling for hours, I didn't need to rest. I needed something far more stimulating that only Violet could give me.

I turned the radio’s volume up. I was working myself into a sweat thinking about Violet. In a short time, I'd see her. I just had to be patient. A country song about roads and hay belted out, and I settled in, listening. Then a sound brought the music to a stop. My ringer.

One eye on the road, I answered the call through my car's Bluetooth before staring ahead and navigating traffic.

“Shawn Hart speaking.”

“Mr. Hart, good evening.”

My chest tightened. I didn't need to see the caller ID to recognize the voice. I heard the voice two weeks ago when I employed security to monitor the penthouse and each time since when the reports came in.

“What do you have for me, Tony?”

The last check-in, they claimed to have spotted a man that may have matched Eric's description. But he faded out of sight quickly, and they couldn’t be sure it was him. So when Violet suggested we let the security team go, it was a hard no from me. I wouldn’t rest until we were rid of the fucker.

“Sir, we have spotted Eric Kelley.”

Anger poured through me, and my hands shook on the steering wheel. I, like Violet, had wanted to believe he got tired and gave up, and was finally leaving Violet alone. She didn’t need a stalker on her tail. But the bastard was persistent. I inhaled to calm myself. If I wanted to do something about it, I needed details.

“Go on,” I said.

"We spotted him early this morning," the voice filled the car. "He made rounds on the penthouse, then stopped on the north side and watched it for an hour before leaving. He came back a few hours ago and hung around a while longer before he left."

I almost wanted to yell. Why didn't they inform me sooner? Then I realized they couldn't have reached me while I was in the air. "Did Violet leave the house tonight?" She had to drop off the kids, but I needed to be sure.


“And did he follow her?”

“No. He stayed back at the penthouse.”

“Huh,” I mused. “I imagined he'd want to follow her when she's out so he could confront her.”

He didn't have a reply for me.

“Thank you, Tony. If anything else comes up, don't hesitate to call.”

He replied in the affirmative, and the call beeped off.

In the resulting silence, I could almost hear the blood rushing through my head. I left Violet and my boys, and that creep assumed it was open stalking season. Fuck. I hit the gas and tore down the road.

Cars honked around me, but the sounds barely registered. All I wanted was to get home and pull Violet into my arms. Reassure myself the bastard hadn't gotten to her.

I careened around the last turn to the house in a manner I wouldn't dare if the boys were in the car with me.

“Get a grip on yourself, Shawn,” I breathed out loud.
