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“There’s an outpost a few blocks over,” Fallon said, surveying the aged map. We had added information about surviving cities, outposts, and government bases.

I’d been to a few outposts before with my guys...and I hated them. A lot. They were always crawling with prostitutes and scantily clad women desperate for protection. I knew my guys would never cheat on me, but it didn’t ebb the jealousy I felt when the women threw themselves atmymen.

The nights always ended with epic angry sex. Well...angry on my end. I was pretty sure the others were more confused than anything.

Not that they complained. The kinky shits liked it when I tied them up and possessed them so thoroughly, mind, body, and soul.

“What’s with the face?” Ryder asked seriously, giving my shoulder a soft squeeze.

“Pouty face?” I cocked my head to the side, cataloguing my features in the rearview mirror. Yup. No pouty face.

“No, this is your someone-is-about-to-die face,” Asher chimed in.

“I’m just thinking about all of those girls,” I murmured bitterly. Honestly. There was never any other option with these men. They demanded absolute honesty from me, and I expected it in return. It was what allowed our unconventional relationship to work - not only work, but thrive.

Ryder’s brows furrowed adorably, the slightest crease on his dark skin that always appeared when he was confused.

“What other women?”

Fallon had swiveled in the passenger seat to face me fully, and even Ronan was casting me anxious glances, as if questioning my sanity.

“The women at these outposts,” I groaned, hating how oblivious they were. “They practically throw themselves at your feet. They need to realize that you’re mine. My cocks, dammit! My men!”

I stomped my foot like a petulant child, and Ryder’s lips quirked. Asher turned away from me, body shaking with laughter.

“Are you jealous, Kitten?” Ryder asked, caressing the side of my face. I reached for his hand and interlocked my fingers with his. I always loved how safe I felt with Ryder, how small he made me feel when his hand engulfed mine entirely. The contrast of our skin. The tiniest white scar by his thumb, a product of this new life we had found ourselves in.

“I wouldn’t say jealous…” I drawled. “I mean, I know you guys are mine, and I’m yours. And I know you’ll never look at these other women, but fuck, it’s annoying! I really need to make signs that sayProperty of Adelaide. It’s kind of sad, really, how pathetic these women are, thinking they actually have a chance.” I leveled each of the men with my best glare. “Mine,” I growled.

Impulsively, I dug my fingernails into Ryder’s thigh. “Mine.”

That did it.

They threw their heads back in laughter. Ronan even had to pull over to the side of the road, his body shaking as tears dripped from his eyes.

“God, do you have any idea how much we fucking love you?” Ryder said between fits of laughter. “Hot damn. Is that why you tie us up?”

“I need to remind those bitches who you belong to,” I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest.

Fallon met my gaze, his dark eyes holding mine hostage. It was impossible to escape the intensity of his stare. Falling in love with Fallon was like falling into a black hole, an endless abyss.

The beauty, however, was worth all of his darkness.

“And you obviously never notice the attention you receive at these outposts,” he said curtly, eyes penetrating through my skin and seeing into my very soul.


I thought through every interaction, but my mind latched onto our last encounter at an outpost. Namely, Calax tied to my bed as I rode him relentlessly while Tamson and Declan were forced to watch. Good times.

“All of the guys stare at you as iftheyactually have a fucking chance.” Ronan’s voice was uncharacteristically bitter as he began to drive once more. His knuckles whitened as he clenched the steering wheel.

“Both guards and travelers alike flock to you,” Ryder added. “I want to kill everyone there.”

“Stab first, ask questions later,” Asher said cheerfully. The damn psychopath began to clean his knife on the bottom of his shirt, smiling sincerely.

Tears blurred my vision, and I sniffled, brushing them away.

“So you guys all get murdery too?” I asked weepily. “We get murdery together? I love you all so much.”
