Page 29 of Demon's Joy

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“Joy!” I call out softly as I land.Shit! Why is our mate frightened?

Then I realize that Gus is pacing, his tattooed fingers clenching and unclenching.Dammit. Did the wrath demon scare her?Gus tends to fly off the handle when he’s agitated. And I’m pretty sure the body swap we just did counts as a major disruption to the wrath demon.

We don’t even know what caused it. I mean…damn, if we knew how to change back, we would have done it years ago. Who knows how long it will even last? I shut off that worried train of thought and focus on Gus. And his idiocy. He made our Joy cry.

I’m not usually one for brawls, I prefer bubble baths, but I wind up and clock him. Gus is so shocked that he falls straight backwards into the snow.

“What the fuck?” he says, gripping his chin where I hit him. He doesn’t get out of the snow though, doesn’t attack me back. I have to assume it’s from the shock that a sloth demon just trounced him.

“Do. Not. Make. Joy. Scared!” I tell him with a firm point of my finger.

“Dude, I didn’t do it! Dem got here first! He made her cry!”

“What the fuck, Dem?” I whirl towards him, lit up with a fury that I’ve never felt before. Most of my feelings are muted by an overwhelming need to sleep. Not today, apparently. Not when it comes to Joy. I glare at the thievery demon with everything I’ve got.

“I just tried to steal a kiss!” Dem tosses his hands up like he’s innocent.


Another hit, and another member of my murder plops into the snow. The pretty boy is gonna have one hell of a shiner. I’m on fire.

“Anybody else here terrorizing my mate?” I ask through my teeth, fists clenched and raised in front of me in preparation. I half want to dance on the balls of my feet like some pro fighter in a ring, but that requires too much energy.

Cal shakes his head. “No, man.”

I’m not sure I believe him. Heisa white lie demon.

“Mate? What?” Joy’s voice is breathless. I turn to look at her, her golden locks spilling down her shoulders, her eyes wide. Those lips… My eyes are instantly drawn to the plush line of her lips. I’ve felt them on the top of my head before, but never against mine. I wonder for a second what it would feel like to brush her lips against my own. But she’s not ready for that. Not yet. I’m not like Dem, who can steal kisses. No, I’ll wait until she’s ready—ready for me, for all of us.

My eyes slowly rise to meet hers. “You’re our Center, Joy. We’ve been trapped as reindeer for years. And we’re all desperately in love with you.”

“I was about to say that.” Cal swats at me. He doesn’t like his leadership upstaged.

“Liar,” I say, calling him out. Because Cal will dance around the truth if he gets half a chance. It’s just in his nature.

But our mate deserves the truth, even if it terrifies her. Even if she runs in the opposite direction, choosing to face the demons alone rather than deal with five men she doesn’t know confessing their love for her.

“We want to help you,” I tell her, resisting the urge to take her hands. The need to touch her is like an itch, one I have to resist scratching.

I’ve always felt the need to be around her, but now that I’m in my normal form, that need has been multiplied by a hundred. The need to cuddle her, to have her fall asleep in my arms, the need to lazily wake up and gaze into her sleepy, contented eyes… Images flash through my mind and fill me with longing.

I’ve never been one for casual touch, but apparently, my mate turns me into a big old teddy bear. Who would’ve thought?

But I’ll only ever get to make those fantasies a reality if we help her rout out these assholes who’ve tried to steal her home.

“Joy, we want to help you, but give me a minute with these assholes, because they clearly don’t know how to treat a lady.”

I grab Cal by the arm, and I narrow my eyes at Nico, daring him to defy me. I see him lick his lips and clench his hands—the temptation is strong—but the frustration demon doesn’t give in to his powers. He follows me, smoothing his makeshift kilt as he does.

So do the two idiots I punched.

Follow me, I mean. Not smooth out their kilts like the glowering Scot.

When we’re about ten feet away from Joy, I let my gaze fall onto each one of them in turn. “Joy is our Center. That means we do what she wants. Not what we want. Got it?” I glare at Dem. “No more stealing kisses, no matter how tempting that might be. You wait until the lady asks. And if she doesn’t want to kiss you but tells you she wants you to kiss Cal’s cock? You do it.”

I hear Joy gasp, and Dem makes a face of distaste. We may not be attracted to each other, but if Joy wants me sucking a ballsack, you can bet your ass I’ll be sucking a ballsack. Hopefully, it’s the ballsack of one of my fellow demons. The ballsack you know and all that. I’m pretty sure I read that on a Snapple cap.

But I’m serious. These idiots need to understand I mean it. “If you so much as make a tear come to her eye ever again, I will ensure your dick stays so limp and dead that you won’t ever be able to orgasm.”

That makes every demon’s eyes widen.

Because, yeah, erectile dysfunction? Totally an invention of the sloth demons. When we decide to get mean, we get really fucking mean.

“You wouldn’t,” Cal whispers, shoving his glasses up nervously. But even he doesn’t believe his own lie.

I raise a brow. “Try me.”

Every single one of them gulps and moves to cup their cocks, as if they can protect their dicks from my sleepy wrath. And I feel a little rush. For a second, I wonder if this is what Gus feels every time he gets into a fight. Maybe. It would explain why he’s always so eager for them.

Since I’ve clearly taken the lead—you should just put a crown on my head and call me the King of Demons. Actually. Don’t. That requires too much fucking work—I jerk my head towards our mate. “Now, get over there and convince Joy that we’re going to help her save Christmas.”
