Page 56 of Demon's Joy

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I placemy hand on my rounded stomach, my smile broadening when the babe immediately begins to kick at my palm. Not even born yet, and already, she’s taking after her daddies.

Her daddies, who are currently attempting to tie the sack of toys to the top of the sleigh.

“Be careful!” I bring my mug of steaming hot chocolate to my lips, steam wafting from the marshmallowy top, and take a long sip, the warmth of the drink soothing my very soul and defrosting my frigid fingers. It’s a surprisingly tranquil day, the blankets of compacted snow glistening like thousands of diamonds in the midday sun. The wind is practically non-existent, only the tiniest of breezes stirring my blonde hair.

“I’m always careful,” Cal retorts immediately as he balances at the top of the magical sleigh, his feet precariously close to the edge. Nico smirks at the white lie demon before he throws him the sack of toys—magically enchanted to remain only a few feet tall despite housing all of the presents for every child in the human world.

“Yer such a fookin liar,” Nico exclaims cheerfully as Cal positions the bag in the back of the white sleigh accented in gold.

I take a moment to admire both demons. Cal’s currently wearing a red, pressed suit, one that conforms to his naturally muscular build. His sandy-blond hair is longer than it has ever been before, coming to rest near his ears. He still wears his customary glasses, though this particular pair has red and green rims.

Nico, on the other hand, is bedecked in a Christmas tree kilt and an ugly Christmas sweater, mainly because he knows the outfit irritates both Gus and my father. The sweater has a reindeer nose directly in the center of his stomach, and when he presses it, it glows a bright cherry red. The back of the sweater has a reindeer tail sticking out of a rather realistic looking deer butt. It’s honestly atrocious…but the outfit only makes me love him more.

“They’ll be fine.” I’d recognize Dem’s sultry voice anywhere, and a moment later, my back is pressed against his front, the hard line of his cock poking against my ass through the material of his jeans. His hands move around my waist to settle on my stomach. On cue, the baby begins to kick. “She’s taken after he mother,” he muses, and I can hear the amusement lacing his voice.

“Funny. I was just thinking the same thing in reverse—that she’s like all of you.” I use both hands to bring my hot chocolate back to my lips, but before the rim of the cup can make contact, the drink is stolen from my hands. “Hey!” I exclaim in a half-hearted protest as Dem dances around me, drinking my coco. He merely sticks his tongue out at me, his eyes alight with impish joy.

“Don’t tip the bag over!” my dad bellows, and a moment later, the big man himself steps out from the tree line where he was lurking—read as, stalking—his eyebrows pinched together and his frown forlorn. Dad made the tough decision to retire last year, and though he planned for me to take over…

Things changed, if my very pregnant belly is any indication.

“I got it,” Cal lies as the bag begins to topple over the side of the sleigh, very nearly hitting Vixen in the nose. The female reindeer makes a face, nose scrunching, before her expression turns almost…sultry. Seductive. If that’s even possible for a reindeer. Dad swears to me that Vixen and the rest of the herd are all normal reindeer, but apparently, the little minx has developed a crush on my demons, probably from the time the cherubs attempted to mate them so many years ago. I kinda want to be jealous, but again, she’s afuckingreindeer.

The bag of toys lands on the grass beside the sleigh, and I swear I hear the sound of glass shattering. If Cal broke any of the toys the day before Christmas…

Gus materializes seemingly out of thin air and rips the bag open, sticking his entire head inside. He straightens once more, his customary scowl still firmly in place. “Nothing’s broken.”

Gus, like Cal, is wearing a suit as well, only his is as white as mountaintop snow with red sleeves and a matching red tie. He also wears a Santa hat that jingles when he walks.

“For heaven’s sake…” Dad pinches the bridge of his nose, attempting to do some of those deep breathing exercises his yoga instructor has taught him, when Bryn’s head pops up over the side of the sleigh. How long has he been sleeping in there?

I smile indulgently at my husband, who blinks rapidly, running his fingers through his shaggy brown hair.

“Where…where am I?” He yawns, throwing his arms up above his head and causing his shirt to ride up, revealing a sliver of bronze skin. Instantly, my panties turn damp when I think about all of the sacrilegious things I want to do to that particular swath of skin. Taste it. Lick it. Nip it. Fuck—

“Soon, beautiful,” Dem whispers in my ear, one of his hands coming to rest on my shoulder while he continues to hold my hot chocolate with his other one.

“You don’t even know what I’m thinking,” I fire back, though at this point in our marriage, he probably does. They all do, if the suggestive looks they throw me behind Santa’s back are any indication. If only Cal and Gus didn’t have to travel around the world tonight…

At least I have three other demons to keep me company while Cal and Gus play Santa.

“Did you do a reindeer check?” Dad shoots off, turning to stare intently at the reindeer already hooked to the sleigh. Gus’s scowl deepens.

“Of course.”

“We didn’t,” Cal says at the same time, and we all roll our eyes. Fucking white lie demons.

“Feed them their carrots?” Santa presses.

“And cookies!” Nico throws in helpfully, flashing a wink my way. “Reindeer always perform better with cookies.”

“And did you oil the sleigh?” Dad lifts a white eyebrow, and this time, I step forward, coming to stand beside my father and placing a hand on his shoulder comfortingly. His eyes soften when he sees me, and he immediately adopts a baby voice when he focuses on my stomach. “How’s my favorite grandbaby doing? Are you being a good girl for your mommy? Grandpa loves you so much.”

Because apparently, babies make even the most feared and dangerous archangels into coddling fools.
