Page 57 of Demon's Joy

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“Dad, they have this,” I promise him, turning to spear each of my guys with a long, loving look. Over the past few years, they have quickly become my entire world. I love them with an intensity that leaves me breathless, even after all of this time, and I know they feel the same. They care about Christmas just as much as I do, if onlybecauseI do. They want the happiest, jolliest world possible for our little baby, and I know that they won’t screw this up.

Dad still seems unsure, the lines between his eyes deepening, but after a moment, he nods, albeit begrudgingly.

“You need to trust your son-in-laws,” I press as his eyes lift from my belly to my face.

“All right. I suppose I need to stop…helicoptering.” He makes another face at the term my demons taught him as Cal and Gus move to join me, one on either side.

“We’ll make this the best Christmas ever,” Gus promises.

“Well, maybe the second-best Christmas ever,” Cal amends, the lying fucktard. Both men immediately pull me in between them, their hands resting on my belly and caressing it through the fabric of my red gown.

“This is our home,” Nico adds as he moves to stand beside Gus.

“And Joy and this baby are our lives,” adds Bryn around a yawn. He stands on the other side of Cal.

“And trust me.” Dem moves forward to join my line of men. All of them beautiful. All of them handsome. All of them kind and witty and sarcastic and perfect. And all of them mine, now and forever. “With us in charge, this will be one Christmas that no one will ever forget.”
