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I closed my eyes, head rolling backward. An involuntary moan escaped my parted lips. Damn them. And damn my own mind for giving in so quickly.

Aiden carefully grabbed my chin, pulling my face toward his.

“And you would come screaming our names. Like I promised.” He grinned. I imagined that would be how the devil smiled. “And I wouldn’t even have to fuck you.”

My body was on fire. My veins. My chest. My damn pussy. The thought of them, all four of them…

“That’s an interesting rhetorical,” I managed to say with a calmness I didn’t feel.

Aiden looked like the cat who ate the canary, but there was one thing he didn’t know about me. I never, ever, became the victim. The mocked. The butt of the joke. As my mother always said, if you don’t like the narrative, change it. Only you could dictate your story.

“Aren’t you going to ask me?” I kept my voice light, licking chocolate from my fingers.

“Ask you what, pretty girl?” Kace questioned. His signature smile was back on his face. I wondered if it had ever left.

“How I would make a man orgasm?”

The table went silent. The rest of the cafeteria was mere background noise. We were suspended in this tiny moment, the five of us.

I met Tanner’s eyes first, an imperious set to my chin. This was a dare, and he could either take it or cower. His eyes flared with a sudden heat.

“How would you make a man orgasm, Bianaca?” I didn’t miss the emphasis Aiden put on my name. An indication he knew exactly who I was and all I had done.

Two could play at that game.

“Well, Aiden…” I had the pleasure of seeing his eyes widen slightly, almost imperceptibly, before I continued on. “I would begin with sweeping his hair out of his face.”

With steady hands, I brushed at the dark hair grazing his forehead. I made sure to let my hand linger against his skin a moment longer than necessary.

“And then I would nibble on his earlobe. Slowly. Taking my time.” I turned toward Kace then and gently tugged on his own earlobe. Two fingers, grazing the soft skin. His smile didn’t leave his face, but he shuddered delicately.

“And then I would kiss him.” I leaned across the table, toward Tanner, and brushed the back of my hand against his lips. He inhaled sharply, eyes fixated on my hand. I leaned forward even farther, giving him an ample view of my cleavage.

This time, I heard Beau’s sharp intake of breath.

“After that, I would kiss down his chest to his rock hard cock.” Sitting back down, I grabbed Aiden’s hand. “I would start by stroking it.” Gripping his pointer finger, I curled my hand around it and began to rub. Up and down. Up and down.

His eyes were wild, feverish. I could see his cock tenting his pants.

“And then I would put him in my mouth…”

At my words, he lifted a single brow. Daring me. Taunting me. The bastard didn’t think I was going to do it.

And I would’ve stopped if I knew that was what he wanted. But I could see the desire, the need, the lust, in his eyes. His emotions consumed me.

Without breaking eye contact, I swiveled my tongue around the base of his finger, trailing it upward until it reached the very tip.

Somebody groaned, Kace I believed, and Tanner muttered, “Fuck.”

I began to suck off Aiden’s finger, smiling in satisfaction when he rumbled deep in his chest. His hand went down to his cock, stroking himself through the material of his jeans.

With an exaggerated pop, I released his finger, dripping in my saliva.

At the end of the day, I had marked him.

Smiling contently, as if I wasn’t falling apart at the seams and in desperate need of a cold shower, I said, “And that is how I would make a man orgasm. And what do you know? It didn’t require any fucking.”

I threw Aiden’s words back at him, my smile growing when his eyes narrowed into thin slits.

“Where have you been all my life?” Kace mumbled in a daze. Tanner was staring at me as if I was a strange and foreign species. A zebra in a flock of sheep.

And Beau…

In that brief moment, before his walls went up, I saw nothing but pure carnal lust. Could he want me as much as I wanted him?

Before I could be certain, his face went blank, once again shielding me from whatever lurked beneath that seemingly apathetic exterior. I tried to swallow my disappointment.

“I’m done with dinner. Beau?” Beau nodded, standing up to follow me. Smirking at the three boys, I added, “And you’ll be a dear and take care of my dishes, won’t you?”
